B-Labs - Dear Greek Friends... [lizanie]

Day 2,266, 19:42 Published in Poland Poland by Twardy Fred


Dear Greek Friends,

eRepublik is to great effect a community game. Participating in a community inevitably leads to friendships, relations which stay within the context of the game and relationships which already exist outside the game or evolve from game interaction and socialising into real life friendships. Sometimes we loose contact with those friends as they quit playing the game. Sometimes we loose friends because they choose another Alliance. Other new countries enter the Alliance, and further friendships appear.

Days during ATLANTIS, PEACE, PHOENIX, FORTIS, EDEN, ONE, COT, TWO, etc, have been hard on our countries, both Greece and Romania, we have gone through many changes of the game, but every time we did great job, and the result found our countries stronger and our communites more tied. Though with great sacrifice, we managed to break through many regions, epic battles and great efforts, and finally routed the enemy from his godforsaken rock. With great costs and against the odds, everytime we finally won. It hasn’t been easy, but i remember looking at Greece when you fought against FYROM, when you fought everytime to help Romania. I remember seeing the fire in your eyes, I remember hearing your hearts beat together as one, unified towards the common goal, felling opponents. And those heartbeats were the ones that achieved victory, not their tanks, not their guns, not their bullets…

Romania helped Greece to win, even when Romania had hard times. Together we crippled our opponents, we cursed, thrusting ravingly through their lines, we beat them back. And though worthy, they faltered, and ultimatly, they fell. I have never been prouder in my entire e-life, proud of what I have been a part of, still I am, most proud of what we have here: a lasting friendship between Romania and Greece. After many victories, we thought wars was over, we thought that we could soon go home. Home… I have been fighting for far too many months to remember what home looked like. But there is still something that follows me regardless, there is still something which I haven’t lost yet, friendships.

My/our biggest challenge now is to keep the morale high with the soldiers, we had hard times, and we still have. The game is not what was once, soldiers are more difficult today. Needs gold for training, leads to disobedience of orders by soldiers. I do not know if you are in fact reading this, but what I know for a fact is that no matter the place, no matter the costs, we shall fight TOGETHER. We may lose a battle, but we shall never lose a war!

What do you do when the morning comes and you wake up and try to make sense of it all. When you wonder why do you go on with this life, this life that seems to matter so little. Hours, days, years go by and you wonder what for. Is there a reason for all of this?

You take a step back, and think about 5 years of evolution, since 2008, about where were Greece and Romania a long time ago and where is it now. And then maybe you stop feeling pointless anymore. Maybe you too know a way to help your country. Maybe you too can add a brick to the pile of rocks and help build an Alliance. And your sons and daughters will do the same. And one day, its walls will break through the skies. And you will be back home into oneness... With every brick we add to the wall, with every fight, with every breath we take. For we will be long gone and friendship between Romania and Greece will still thrive, and it will still be growing, in strength and in numbers...

"If you want to build a ship, don't drum up people to collect wood and don't assign them tasks and work, but rather teach them to long for the endless immensity of the sea." (Wisdom of the Sands, by Antoine de Saint-Exupery)

The real heroes of our days are those who spend massive amounts of gold at the end of each battle, they win our wars, keep our country safe and intact. The real heroes are those who work and train each and evey day, they fight for what they believe in, they always use the best weapons and that’s what makes them hereos, they build and mantain this friendship between Romania and Greece.

...a friend of Greece from Romania,
Hail Romania and Greece!