As you sow, so you shall reap

Day 979, 16:14 Published in India Germany by Iseutz

hi all,

i assume, the majority of you never has heard of me, but maybe you've read my last article. yesterday i was elected into the indian congress, thanks for the faith in me (at least, i hope it had something to do with faith). now, starting to fulfill my new duties in india, i'd like to ask you this question - what do you want?

of course i'm not really intested what you want for yourself, but for india. it's kinda obvious, that this country is a battlefield for TOers of the big alliances in the past and - as we all have experienced yesterday - in the present. i doubt, you don't know the main reasons: this country has valuable ressouces and no relevant military defense at all.

but, beside that india is vulnerable and suffering from an indecent world, you're suffering from another reason and that one has nothing to do with some imperialists or capitalists. it has something to do with your ongoing inability to put the things straight in inda by organizing the existing citizens and motivate others, to godamn care. instead, the few communicating people are talking and talking and talking, what your precious country deserves and why everyone else is guilty (croats or serbs), evil (most foreigners) and indecent (everyone you despise for some reasons). and as you may have realized, everyone has identified his very own scapegoat, depending on personal sympathies and doubts. but you are wasting your potential with eyes open - is this really your approach for a better india?!

well, so much for the unpopular introduction... after this quite harsh opening, please count to ten, take a deep breath and dare to stop reading the rest of this article. because i'm not writing it to insult and offend somebody, especially not those of you, who DO CARE. (normally the do-cares are the ones who are most offended. don't know why that is. must be one of the many human deficiencies.....) ok, did you count and the other stuff, to calm down and done with instinctively blaming me to be an idiot? perfect. let's go on then.

what this country lacks most is the serious attempt by its citizens to build up structures and institutions as they exist in every other e-country with some selfrespect. for some unexplainable reason you haven't done these very basics untill today. but this way you're virtually lure the 'vultures' of eden and phx into your country by yourself. because they are not only coming for your ressources and your weakness, but also because they are better in organizing and more committed in reaching their goals then you are. that is precicely why you should stop blaming and start thinking about what you do really want - and then, how to get it.

- you want and need more citizens - then extend your active cooperations with foreigners, untill you are able to start some babyboom projects (what needs much of organization and dedication...). your very own president Jelen od Potoka is the living proof, that there are decent indiviuals. if you prove good reasons to them to invest their time and their knowledge, more like him from all over the world will support your struggle
- you want to be neutral - then not only cooperate with selected foreigners, speak and work with all sides in a serious and rational manner. if eden and/or phx have honest interests of an independent and strong india, they will cooperate with you. and if not, the choice of sides become much much easier and you can stop bitching about which 'friend' is the better 'friend', while your 'friends' giving their best to exploit you a little bit longer...
- you don't want to be an ever-available victim to others - then begin to organize parties and military forces. these two types of institutions are the keyfactors to build up a healthy and defensive e-nation. these are the very basics - stop being victims, get em straight as soon as possible
- you want regional integrity - then forge rational deals with everyone who can threaten this integrity and start militarizing your small amount of citizens to form an community, instead of living like a band of brigands
- you want respect - stop waiting for others and act decently

now you got an idea of my very general view. and i expect to get some unfriendly and ignorant comments of some people. but if you're one of those who really want an independent India, you get on your feet and start participating. if you have doubts and want to get convinced, then talk with us.

The Republicans won't keep still
For a decent India

PS: i know, its much to read. but i wanted it articulate it at least once. if you don't like it, i will be sad and depressed ;P
PPS: an additional question - where are you, fellow congressmen? 'grab the gold an run' or what is your motto here? (*decoy-question😉