Announcing My Candidacy for Congressman

Day 693, 18:27 Published in Germany Germany by Alex Drex

I would like to take a moment of your time to announce that I will be running for Congressman in the region of Thuringia in the upcoming elections. I am a member of Open Minded Germany and I am definitely open minded.

I am a very objective thinker, and I use logic to make decisions. You can count on me to vote logically, and without any bias. I believe it is important to vote for who you think is a better leader, or what is the best option for eGermany (or whatever country you are in for that matter) and not just what your party aligns with, so I will do this if I am elected. I promise to only vote for laws that I think eGermany would benefit from, even if they are presented by members of opposing parties.

I believe we should continue strengthening our relationship with our neighbors such as UNL, Hungary and UK, and if elected I will do my best to do so. And improve relations with other nations as well. I have been appointed German Ambassador to the US, and I plan to help raise the world's view of Germany politically and diplomatically.

I am a fan of the eGluecksspirale. I believe it is a very fun and efficient way of raising money for Germany.

Please vote for me for Thuringia Congressman for the next elections!

In the near future I would like to get someone to translate my articles into German, in the meantime sorry for the English-only articles, I am just now taking my first classes of German. 😛

Thank you for your time!

Yours Truly,
Alex Drex
German Ambassador to US

Ipsa scientia potesta est.
Knowledge itself is Power.