Announcing My Candidacy For Congress [Nov. 2010]

Day 1,100, 18:51 Published in Germany Germany by Alex Drex

Dear fellow Germans, voters, and readers,

Today, I would like to announce that I am running for congress in the region of Bavaria, under the Open Minded Germany banner.

Why Should You Vote For Me?

You may be thinking, "why should I vote for this guy?"

Well, I have some experience. I have served for 5 terms as congressman here in Germany, a few months back. I recently took a couple of months break from politics and served in the Bundeswehr, and took a bit of a break from the game itself, too. Now, however, I am back in the Bundeswehr, active in the game, and hoping to get involved in politics once more. I am dedicated and motivated, and if elected I promise to do my best to serve this country.

I believe wholeheartedly in reason and objective thinking, and it is my opinion that personal matters should not get in the way of what is best for the country. If elected, I promise to work with fellow congressmen and women to do what is best for eGermany and its citizens.

My Resume

-5x German Congressman
-1 (and a half) term Party President of Open Minded Germany
-Former Ambassador to the United States and Canada
-2x Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs (Under Konrad Neumann's Presidency)
-Bundeswehr Soldier
-Over one year of membership in OMG

One more thing, I encourage the active participation of all citizens, anywhere, in politics. If I am elected, I encourage you to message me with any concerns you may have, or any things you wish to be brought up in front of Congress. The only way to bring about change or to fix an issue, is to actively work towards a solution. So please, if I am elected message me.

In conclusion, I am looking to plunge back into the world of eGerman politics once more after a few month break. I promise to head into it with an open and objective mind, and to do what is best for Germany, if you choose to elect me as the representative of Bavaria. Please, Vote Alex Drex for Congress! \o/

Thank you for reading!

Alex Drex
-Open Minded Germany Member
-KSK III Soldier
-Former Ambassador to US and Canada

Ipsa scientia potestas est.
Knowledge itself is power.