Announcement from sir_c0nstant

Day 1,135, 04:29 Published in Australia Australia by Sir_c0nstant

I will be running for Country President of eAustralia on January 5th 2011, and I will be running under the Australian National Party banner.

For those that don't know me I will indulge a little.

Nearly 700 days playing erep.
3 times CP(without a medal, sore point) 2 via impeachments and once CP in exile.
Twice deputy CP
16 times senator, 4 times party president of the ANP.
I have been minister of Industry, Finance, Cultural services and was Minister of Defence during the Brazil wars.

I own 17 companys around the world(includes 3 q5 companys, yep capitalist pig)

I am a level 27, guru 11 worker with the rank of general *(over 800k damage)
18 Hard worker and 32 battle hero medals to date....

I am a Dropbear.
I have been awarded the honour of Officer of the Order of Australia (OA)

Over the next few days I will be releasing my platform and cabinet, but in the mean time if you want to get involved and feel that you have got what it takes to become involved in the politics of cabinet then send me a message with your interests and we will see where it leads.


sir_c0nstant OA