Anagram About America

Day 511, 18:58 Published in USA USA by Jon Malcom

Hey fellow EAmericans,
A is for as*holes in this game who steal money from our country...
M is for MedyPi's corset...
E is for the brilliant internet entrepreneurs who run gold lottery's
R is for being a Republican...
I is for the Idiots who never stop arguing on the forums and never really play the actual game...
C is for all the crap we put up with from the stupid politicians...
A is for the anti-Israel messages that constantly flash on Erepublic
N is for nothing to do with this game articles, kind of like most " I"m running for something articles" ( I am guilty)
S is for the country's that say "Oh Shi* we just got attacked by America and they landed the Marines"...
Have fun-vote and sub