Day 1,240, 09:47 Published in USA Greece by I am not dSoKre


If we go back in time of two super powers (Eden and Phoenix) we can recall some epic battles where literaly ten or more nations fought against eachother in one battle. We also had statistics where we could see how much damage, influence or whatever you want to call it, every country made. Alliances had common goals. Regions with high resources were rare and almost priceless. Many of you still remember what holding one region of iron meant or titanium later on. Strongholds like Lionking or Hello Kitty was motional force of few countries or even whole alliance. People knew what was happening all arround the world. We knew who were the presidents and influental people in different countries. When I say we, I mean common people, not MoFA or some player on high place.

And what about today?

Yes, we have more alliances but what is their purpose? Infinite wars between natural enemies does not leave much room for strategy, coordination and acting as alliance. I'm not blaming anyone for that but it's hard to find common goal for five or more countries in one alliance when today you have more regions with the rarest resource (rubber) then with average resource in the past (like stone). Every country desire region or two. And usually they all want it in the same time. Not one alliance is capable of fighting successfully in 5 battles at the time being, so we have many battles where actually two countries fighting 1 vs. 1 regardless of many MPP's simply because every ally also have some important battle at the same time. Yes, allies help one another but I think that today this help is more simbolic rather than epic like before.

Automatic battles, to many valuable regions and some impulsive changes pushed us to alienation and robotic behaviour. Sad turn of events lead to erasure of my country and from that day I became citizen of U.S. Fortunatly Croatia got back on the map really quick but I desided to stay here a bit longer.

About my impressions. Look at this as an truly objective point of view.

Till today I thought that political situation im my country was complex and bad but you really have to many things going on and to many disputes. For me it was hard to follow and even right now I don't know who is right, who is wrong, who is bad and who is good. Not so good thing is that you have this situation when your country is invaded. Now is the time to put all your irrelevant disagreements and act as one being. I remember the time when we had similar situation and the only thing that took us on the right path was political truce. And the best part is that even after defence old disputes never came back. So now is the right time to stand up and call yourself only americans. Your only simbol of recognition should be U.S. citizen standing proudly under the banner of stars and stripes, not some political parties, organization, movement and other insignificant stuff.

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Sorry for my bad english.