A Soldier's Analysis Of The New Military Module

Day 977, 18:49 Published in Germany Germany by Alex Drex

The new military module has been one of the biggest changes in eRepublik Rising (v2) and it's a change that many people have been wondering about for weeks now. As a soldier in the Bundeswehr I have had some good experience with the old module, and a few days experience with the new module as well. The new military module is now a Player versus Player arena where soldiers battle it out on a map to take over, or defend a region. (Need 75% of tiles and the capital to win). In my opinion this experience is more entertaining than the previous module where soldiers did damage to either raise up the "wall" (defence) or to take down the "wall" (attacking). However, there are multiple issues that I feel need to be addressed in order to improve the new military module, and make it the best it can be.

First, and in my opinion, one of the most important issues, is the issue of the stats/bonuses. In the new module, strength (or the different skills, in v2) has almost no influence in the outcome of a fight. This is a complete flop from the previous module, and one that does not make sense, in my opinion. As it stands, the deciding factor of a battle is only the weapon you can afford, and therefore, the amount of money you have. For example, if two soldiers are facing off, one has a fairly decent weapon (say Q3) but is stronger and more experienced, and the other has an excellent weapon system, but is not as strong or experienced, perhaps even far less experienced, the soldier with the better weapon will win. Also, the bonuses have pretty much no affect. Terrain bonuses don't help, and the weapon system bonuses don't either. Right now, it's pretty much Tank > everything else. In order to make the military module more balanced, and be the most entertaining and efficient game aspect it can be, the bonuses need to be reworked and actually implemented into the game. Also, skill needs to have some sort of role in the outcome of the battle. It does not seem realistic that a new recruit with a slightly better weapon would be able to destroy a veteran soldier with a slightly less up to date weapon, unfortunately that's the way that the module is working right now.

Secondly, the removal of the initiative feature was, in my opinion, a big mistake. In the past when countries were at war they needed "the initiative" to attack an enemy region. Initiative was a very good way to include strategy in the game and to make sure there weren't tons of battles opening up all the time, making it imposible for either side to attack or defend very well. Initiative allowed for successful attacks, and counter-attacks. However, in v2 initiative has been removed. For example, you can see in the recent war with Russia against the US that while Russia was attacking, the US was also able to attack. To me, this removes an aspect of strategy within eRepublik wars. Presidents would have to work to gain initiative, either by having the attacker not attack for 24 hours or by retreating a region strategically and counter attacking. This aspect of war is now gone. There is of course still strategy, but if either side can attack at any time, it changes things a lot.

Finally, the whole system is a bit buggy. Many times while fighting I have tried to look at the battle info only to have the military module crash. Or trying to fight and it crashes and I cannot. The servers definitely need work to get the module into top shape.

Overall, the military module is more entertaining and has great potential, it needs work, definitely, but if the work is put in then it will definitely pay off.

That's my two cents about the new module. 😁

Alex Drex
-Ambassador to US and Canada
-KSK III Soldier

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