A New Future For A New CSD Trenton Rendell For Party President

Day 538, 18:37 Published in Canada Canada by Trenton Rendell
A New Future For A New CSD

Let's face it the last month was an utter disaster for the CSD, We elected a leader who was easy to attack, easy to humiliate, We elected a leader who was not able to be there when her party needed her the most.
Though she did breath life into this party, and brought more members to our Forums I am entirely grateful for that and I thank her and will continue doing what she was doing.

That's why I Trenton James Rendell am going to throw my Hat into the Race once again

As for my platform I decided I was going to stick with the platform I had last month.

A strong party is only as strong as the area those members discuss issues.
A more active CSD forums, our forums the HQ of our entire party, is nothing more then a empty web page with a new topic posted maybe every 5 days, As soon as I'm elected your President. I will message every party member and encourage them to join and actively visit our forums.

A party is only strong if every member is able to openly discuss and debate any topic or situation that arises.
That's why under my leadership every issue concerning the CSD (from congressional candidates to our party's presidential platform) will be discussed on the forum and voted on by the party's members. Cleo has started this and I plan to continue this.

A strong party is a party united.
The CSD has been blessed with members from every nation, colour and creed. And through this we should be strong. Yet there's one people the CSD has continued to ignore. The French Canadien. Because of this many French Canadiens (who hoped of a new life in eRepublik) have moved to eFrance and have become our very own enemies. Why must we exile an entire race of people, who in all means share the same land and blood as we do. And this hasn't changed under Cleo, That's why under my Leadership I will make the CSD officially bilingual. All CSD related matter will be available in English and French. By doing this I hope to see more French Canadiens take an active part in our country's politics and hope they ultimately stay Canadien.

A party is only strong if that party is capable of communicating with other parties.
Let's face it we can't do anything alone, Though we may have majority in congress we still need to be able to communicate and cooperate with other Parties in Canada. I'm well known and well liked by the other party leaders. Cleo has been accused of 'backroom' politics and she has failed to work with the CEP. Under my leadership I will work strongly with party to party relations and work to help build our Canada

Under my leadership
Expect the CSD to move towards the future, Expect the CSD to be a great influence in Canadian politics, And expect the CSD to continue to blossom into a larger and greater party.

-Unite for Trenton-
-Unite for the CSD-