A Message from the eIrish President

Day 3,773, 16:33 Published in USA Ireland by King Trito Fisher
Greetings eAmerican Citizens,

Our nation will soon be under attack by the eUSA. This is the result of your government, which clearly has imperialistic goals. After having lost a TW in the UK, they searched for another to no avail. This is probably because the eUSA is hated throughout the eWorld. Thus, they reasoned that it would be best to force a TW onto the USA's smallest neighbor.

Your government did not request a TW, they did not message us. They simply launched, and will pass an NE proposal today. This is an act of war against the nation of eIreland, and the eUS will be punished.

Moreover, this action is unprecedented, as eIreland and the eUS have had warm relations throughout the many years of our playing eRepublik. This act of hostility is unwarranted and will not be forgotten in the future. Gnilraps et al. have made the eUS into an oligarchic state which holds no respect among any other eNations, even the nations in your own alliance.

I ask of the level-headed citizens of the eUS: DO NOT SUPPORT your Government's actions, which have no precedent. DO NOT SUPPORT yet another display of selfishness!

In any case...
We shall meet on the battlefield.
-CP Trito Fisher