A Cabinet for eCanada

Day 740, 18:12 Published in Canada Canada by Trenton Rendell

*Jacobi said that this election will be based on brand names. I disagree with Jacobi I believe this election (like most elections) will be based on who is in what party.
While it's great to have someone in your party Prime Minister, Is it really great for the country?
I bring forth to you a Cabinet that has the experience a Cabinet needs. I bring to you a cabinet that has the representation a cabinet needs.
And lastly a Cabinet that has the communication that a Country needs.

Country Prime Minister
Trenton Rendell.
Serves as PM, responsible in the running of all Ministries, communicating with Foreign bodies as well as successful communications with Congress and the Political Parties

Senior Deputy Prime Minister
Serves as acting PM during absences, responsible for Military functions, CAF affairs.
As well will be responsible for Financial and Foreign Ministries.

Minister of Defense
Responsible for coordinating military planning with allies as well as the CAF.Reports to the DPM and PM as per military chain of command. Able to make strategic military decisions in absence of PM and dPMs
[Non-Appointed] CAF General: Coda

Minister of Foreign Affairs
Responsible for maintaining network of ambassadors, coordinating with intelligence and cabinet, and serving as a face of Canada abroad.
**Ambassadors and Alliance Reps**

Minister of Finance
Responsible for monitoring overall trends in the Canadian economy, advising Congress on tax code changes and developing government plans for economic expansion.

Minister of Industries
Responsible for maintaining and administrating Canadian government businesses owned by Shinra and Ministry of Industries organizations.
Organisations involved. Ministry of Industries; Shinra Electric Power Company

Minister of Immigration
Citizen B.
Responsible for distributing moving tickets to Canadians when required, providing information and forwarding requests for citizenship to CSIS.
Organisation involved Immigration Canada Services

[Non-Appointed] CSIS Director Marchelala

Junior Deputy Prime Minister
Ayeshan Dakseus.
Serves as acting PM during absences of both the PM and SdPM, Responsible for Domestic Ministries

Minister of Domestic Affairs
Responsible for the up keeping of eCanada's Health and Education services.
Org: Canadian Health Services; Meals On Wheels Canada

Minister of Publication
James Wien.
Responsible for effective communication of government plans, actions, and military orders to the Canadian public. As well for the promotion of the eCanadian Forums, IRC and Canadian Services

Minister of Justice
Responsible for government interaction with the Supreme Court, legal advice to all departments, drafting the criminal code and the constitution.

Minister of Transaction
Cypher Rahl.
Serves as check on the federal branch, responsible for accountability regarding financial transactions of government.

Minister of Official Language
Responsible for translations of official government documents to help francophone players contribute.

Minister of Public Safety
Responsible for Canadian IRC and Forums, integrity, security and access.

Minister of New Player Development
Responsible for helping Newer players learn the game and locate eCanadian services such as Forums and IRC.

Minister of State
Taiwan Panda.
Responsible for aiding the Ministries and serves as point man to new government initiatives.

As well I wish to work with all Party Presidents to discuss specific issues from each Party.
This helps ensure that every Party has a chance to have their voice heard.

Party Council

Karsten Skeries
Tyler F Durden
Gaius Julius Caesar00
Duke Leto