20 Days and got 100 gold from medals

Day 5,257, 10:06 Published in Finland Belgium by Georgelakeland

20 Days and got 100 gold from medals (ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΑ ΠΙΟ ΚΑΤΩ /GREEK BELOW)

I would like to thank in this article the 7 E-Finland Citizenship holders that voted for me in the E-Finland Presidential Elections. It was a very happy thing to see that 7 people voted for me even though my party still remains..empty with just me and no other members. I hope that my party will gain some members before the next congress elections so that I can have the chance to participate in my first E-Finland Congress elections. E-Finland players are welcome to join my party and to give it a big boost.

ALSO IN THIS ARTICLE I would like to remind you that I have chosen another video song that I like and it is viewed here by pressing on the blue area. I hope you enjoy listening to this music. Comments about the video will be appreciated.

20 Days have passed since I arrived. E-Finland area has provided me with 100 gold won by getting 18 Battle or Air Medals. These are the battles I won in these 20 days=

Congratulations! You dealt the highest damage for Finland in the Division IV battle for Helsinki, Southern Finland! As a result, you have received 5 Gold.19 minutes ago
Congratulations! You dealt the highest damage for Finland in the Division IV battle for Rovaniemi, Lapland! As a result, you have received 5 Gold.6 days ago
Congratulations! You dealt the highest damage for Finland in the Division IV battle for Mikkeli, Eastern Finland! As a result, you have received 5 Gold.6 days ago
Congratulations! You dealt the highest damage for Finland in the Division IV battle for Leticia, Amazonica! As a result, you have received 5 Gold.6 days ago
Congratulations! You dealt the highest damage for Finland in the Division IV battle for Limerick, Shannon! As a result, you have received 5 Gold.6 days ago
Congratulations! You dealt the highest damage for Finland in the Division IV battle for Cork, Cork! As a result, you have received 5 Gold.7 days ago
Congratulations! You dealt the highest damage for Poland in the Division IV battle for Osaka, Kinki! As a result, you have received 5 Gold.7 days ago
Congratulations! You dealt the highest damage for Finland in the Division IV battle for Cork, Cork! As a result, you have received 5 Gold.7 days ago
Congratulations! You dealt the highest damage for Finland in the Division IV battle for Belfast, Northern Ireland! As a result, you have received 5 Gold.8 days ago
Congratulations! You dealt the highest damage for Finland in the Division IV battle for Leticia, Amazonica! As a result, you have received 5 Gold.10 days ago
Congratulations! You dealt the highest damage for Finland in the Division IV battle for Belfast, Northern Ireland! As a result, you have received 5 Gold.10 days ago
Congratulations! You dealt the highest damage for Finland in the Division IV battle for Rennes, Brittany! As a result, you have received 5 Gold.13 days ago
Congratulations! You dealt the highest damage for Finland in the Division IV battle for Castlebar, Mayo! As a result, you have received 5 Gold.
Congratulations! You dealt the highest damage for Finland in the Aircraft battle for Castlebar, Mayo! As a result, you have received 10 Gold.15 days ago
Congratulations! You dealt the highest damage for Finland in the Division IV battle for Rennes, Brittany! As a result, you have received 5 Gold.16 days ago
Congratulations! You dealt the highest damage for Finland in the Division IV battle for Caen, Lower Normandy! As a result, you have received 5 Gold.17 days ago
Congratulations! You dealt the highest damage for Finland in the Division IV battle for Mariehamn, Aland! As a result, you have received 5 Gold.17 days ago
Congratulations! You dealt the highest damage for Finland in the Aircraft battle for Villavicencio, Orinoquia! As a result, you have received 10 Gold.18 days ago

Best wishes Georgios, George, Γεώργιος, Γιώργος.

20 Μέρες και πήρα 100 χρυσά από μετάλλια

Θα ήθελα να ευχαριστήσω σε αυτό το άρθρο τους 7 κατόχους ιθαγένειας E-ΦΙΛΑΝΔΙΑΣ που με ψήφισαν στις Προεδρικές Εκλογές της E-ΦΙΛΑΝΔΙΑΣ. Ήταν πολύ χαρούμενο γεγονός για μένα που είδα ότι με ψήφισαν 7 άτομα, παρόλο που το κόμμα μου παραμένει...άδειο μόνο με εμένα και κανένα άλλο μέλος. Ελπίζω ότι το κόμμα μου θα αποκτήσει μερικά μέλη πριν από τις επόμενες εκλογές για το Κογκρέσο, ώστε να έχω την ευκαιρία να συμμετάσχω στις πρώτες μου βουλευτικές εκλογές για την E-ΦΙΛΑΝΔΙΑ. Οι παίκτες της E-ΦΙΛΑΝΔΙΑΣ είναι ευπρόσδεκτοι να συμμετάσχουν στο κόμμα μου και να του δώσουν μιά μεγάλη ώθηση.

Πέρασαν 20 μέρες από τότε που έφτασα. Η περιοχή E-ΦΙΛΑΝΔΙΑΣ μου έδωσε 100 χρυσά που κέρδισα παίρνοντας 18 Μετάλλια Μάχης ή Αεροπορίας. Αυτές είναι οι μάχες που κέρδισα σε αυτές τις 20 μέρες= (Είναι Πιό πάνω υπογραμμισμένες)

ΕΠΙΣΗΣ ΣΕ ΑΥΤΟ ΤΟ ΑΡΘΡΟ θα ήθελα να σας υπενθυμίσω ότι διάλεξα ακόμι ένα τραγούδι/βίντεο που μου αρέσει και μπορέιτε να το δείτε/ακούσετε εδώ πατώντας την μπλε περιοχή. Ελπίζω να απολαύσετε αυτή τη μουσική και το βίντεο αυτό. Τα σχόλια σχετικά με αυτό το βίντεο θα εκτιμηθούν.

Τις καλύτερες ευχές μου Georgios, George, Γεώργιος, Γιώργος.
