2 bombas: Tomashito LTA + Entrevista con el chino

Day 1,151, 07:29 Published in Argentina Argentina by Tavo92

Hoy voy a tener que postear la entrevista al chino, debido a las presiones politicas que he sufrido estos ultimos dias por parte de los empresarios que me han estado apretando para que suelte la data. Pero voy a oficiar de Jorge Rial y la voy a postear despues...

Tomashito LTA

Paste por el foro y lee: http://tinyurl.com/6k9t5m5 recuperamos toda la guita y descubrimos al culpable 😁

Entrevista al chino: Lovevas

Tavo92: Hi Lovevas we know your are from china 😁 what made you change your citizenship and comme to our country?
Lovevas: I began to pay attention to Argentina since about one year ago that we some friends did some business in Argentina, but at that time, China is still struggling for its freedom, so I spent most of the time in China.
Now few months ago, as you have seen China got its freedom, and everything is under control, hundreds of players that I invited are the major force of the government and economical society, so I thought it is time for me to travel to some places, and at that time, I knew Argentina is the best choice, since before that I paid much attention to Argentina.
Argentina is interesting, since it is far from the center of the wars in Europe. But it is still need more people to help it in being stronger. I once thought I could join Argentina Army to help Argentina, but unfortunately I don't know Spanish, and don't how to use IRC, so I am not qualified for the Army. Anyway, I will still help Argentina to protect itself, once you need me.

Tavo92: Thanks they are people here who dont like you cause you make competition with their companys but others want some products to become cheaper, are you planing to create more companys in our land?
Lovevas: of course, I have 2 Q5 companies in Argentina (weapon and house), and planning to start another Q5 weapon and Q5 bread. Before I came, the Q5 price in Argentina is over 60ARS, now it is only 44ARS, this happened in only 2 weeks. I will still try to cut down the price, also I am sure more companies will help Argentina get more tax income.
PS: the VAT tax and income tax in Argentina is really high, haha, but never mind, Argentina should gain more money from the tax!

Tavo92: People have some problems with your companys because you have some employs abroad who are paid in another currency. How many of them you have now? And in the future companys are you planning to only hire argentinian players?
Lovevas: the left 6 people came from China, because they have been with me for a long time, but don't worry, Argentina can still get the income tax. And my new company will hire Argentinian, of course, as you can see there are 4 Argentinian now in the Q5 weapon.
I once hired 20 Argentinian in my Q5 house company, but it seems there is no need of Q5 house in Argentina, so I have to fire them and stop operation, after they made 5 Q5 houses.

Y asi concluye
Ahora, hablando en serio, es un bajon que el chino este ponga empresas y se lleve la guita a china... tiene sus cons y pros, pero recuerden que el chabon este el dia de maniana cambia la ciudadania y muda todo de lugar.