02/07/11 - 08/07/11 Analysis of the economy variations.

Day 1,326, 08:21 Published in United Kingdom Turkey by Turkish Aviator Hero

Hey UK!

I first want to thank you for welcoming me! Indeed I’m discovering an amazing country , thanks!

Secondly I want to thank you ( and all my readers in general ) for your help with my survey.I got 58 workable answers and I need more so please fill it if you have not before

So what did I do with your answers ?
I create a “pack”.This pack is the average of wellness and weapons Q5 used every day by the average player who answered my survey , it’s why you need to answer my survey to make it more accurate.

I’m going to publish an article every week so I will update this pack every week.
For this week the pack was
1088.241 wellness use every day
and 15.73 Q5 weapons

I recorded every day at least 2 times every day the prices of some stuff such as :

- wellness point
- Q5 weapons
- raw for weapons
- raw for food
- the value of 1G in GBP
- the highest salary on the Job Market.

From this data I’m now able to draw these graphs :

The price of a point of wellness was 0,3233 GBP last saturday and is now 0,3258 GBP.
This is an increase of 0.77% , not really significant.

The price of a Q5 weapon was 38.84 GBP on saturday and is now 34.6 GBP
We can see a decrease of 10.9%.

A raw for food was at 0.4 GBP on saturday and is now 0.365 GBP.This a decrease of 8.75%

A raw for weapons was at 0.42 GBP and is now at 0.44 GBP.This an increasement of 4.76%

We can see that both raw acted differently during this week.We can explain the difference of prices between both of them by the different bonuses.

To get a gold you had to pay 718.667 GBP on saturday , and now 678.This is a decrease of 5.65% ( so an increase of the value of our currency )

The top salary was 161 GBP and is now 180GBP.This is an increase of 11.8%

The cost of a pack was 962.8 GBP on saturday and is now 898.8 GBP.This is a decrease of 6.64%

Indeed we can see an increase in salaries of almost 12% plus the value of the GBP increased by 5.65%.This plus the decrease of the Q5 weapons is very good news for the customer but not really for the GM.

I would like to thanks The grump for correcting my article!

And please vote , subscribe , comment fill the survey and shout this article.
