[WTP] Traitorous Mindset?

Day 1,910, 00:08 Published in USA Australia by wingfield

Those of you who have been reading my articles know that I am strongly pro-democratic. This makes me highly critical of our seemingly never-ending flirtation with oligarchic rule through our tightly controlled “Unity” system.

You also saw my outrage at the treatment dished out to a veteran loyal American and eHouse Speaker, Candor, who suggested working with the PTOer party, the AFA. He was branded a traitor and vilified.

Now Candor has been around a while, both in eRep and RL. He knows what is what and can handle vitriol from the haters. He simply turned the other cheek and kept going. He went off to his own party and had fun, keeping up the chatter in the media for the entertainment of us all.

Candor also decided on a run for Country President. He got onto the ballot in a few party primaries but, more importantly, he convinced enough people in the AFA that perhaps their figurehead, RGR, might not be the best choice to run for CP.

Now we skip to my party primary. In We The People, our PP, Mazzy Cat, has pioneered a more democratic system, taking voting away from the detested and unpopular forums. As we began to vote in the primary, we received a message from the then Party Spokesman, warning us that Candor “is an AFA/PTO sympathizer” and that we should vote for one of the other two candidates.

I protested about this PM to its author, to the party hierarchy and in the forum. The spokesman replied in brief, saying that Candor was clearly an AFA sympathizer.

Of more concern was the reaction in the forum. There, another member, av khan, who had started the thread, and I were trolled by the forum admin for our views and attacked by the author of the original PM. Dissenters were accused of being out of touch with reality.

Serendipitous, the author of the PM, then attacked av khan and me in the forum. He state😛

wingfield, you expressed to me your discontent with the PM earlier. I am sorry you have elected to continue pursuing this self-righteous path.

… wingfield and av khan, it is clear to me that you, either explicitly or implicitly, endorse Candor, otherwise you would not be so grievously wounded by this rather innocuous message

… The AFA has, for five months now, been the epicenter of a political takeover. Even two-clickers know it. I will not work with them, I will not reason with them, I will not debate with them. They are the enemy, and, in spite of establishing a clear dichotomy, to side with them is to alienate yourself from mainstream political e-life.

… You both have clearly sided with them in mindset if not in name

So, when a party spokesman behaves in a highly improper manner during a democratic process, attempting to smear a candidate, is it “self-righteous” to speak out about it, especially when a private protest was met with a perfunctory reply?

When members speak out in a forum about abuse of power, why should they be trolled, accused of “implicitly or explicitly endorsing” a falsely accused candidate (We did not), having “sided with him in mindset if not in name” and be condemned as alienating themselves “from mainstream political e-life”?

This is the sort of rubbish that makes 99% of eUS citizens boycott the forums.

This is the approach of a person who wants to become WTP PP and impose his SPQR mindset on us all.

Reject this power grab by someone who is not prepared to let his party members think for themselves.