[WLO] White Lion Order is recruiting!

Day 631, 07:38 Published in Singapore Finland by Erius

[My apologies to my Finnish readers, this article is writen only in English. You can still read it and be part of this organization. Please take contact if you are interested.]

Greetings, people of eSingapore!

White Lion Order is now recruiting. Our organization started it`s action at 6.8. and since that we many new players have joined our ranks. Unfortunatelly most of those new members are finns. We have come to Singapore so that we could build our organization with you and to help you. This is why we have decided to start recruiting singaporeans to our ranks.

White Lion`s welcome all new members to our ranks

We are willing to take every singaporean to our order but still there are only some may accept as a true members of our order. We reqruires that our members have strenght 10 and rank atleast captain. At the moment we are not part of the politics in eSingapore so we are trying to pick out that part of our activity as an military order. We hope that Tewio will bless those who cannot yet be part of our military because of their low strenght or rank(we can do some exception`s with the rank).

You may send your aplication to me or to ReijoRitari. In application you should mention these things;

(both manu and land)
-What do you know about our order
-Why you are willing to join us

The application will end after five days so if you are willing to join us then you should send your application as soon as it`s possible.

What White Lion Order can offer you? (Why join us)

White Lion Order will offer you a change to fight for your country and for our allies in world. We are going to act alongside Torchwood (we are planning to unite our unit under the control of our goverment) and we will offer you a ticket to battle and weapon for fighting.

Our order has many social and friendly members and we can offer our friendship to everyone who is willing to join us. Our Order has it`s own companies and we can also promise you a job. Our Order will someday try to be part of Singapores politics but it`s not our first goal. We all work for better Singapore and we are willing to offer our militaryexperience and strenght in use of our goverment.

You can also read my previous articles about our order. Hope i got your attention!

Best regards;
