[WLO] TPS has a candidate!

Day 679, 00:55 Published in Singapore Finland by Erius
[This article is only a short information to people of Singapore from Tewionist Party of eSingapore. You will get more info tomorrow or day after tomorrow.]

Greetings, eSingapore

Last night there was a talk about next presidentialelections in TPS`s IRC channel – we decided to set our own candidate to join the race for presidency. This candidate is our High Priest of TewioTuukka_Almighty.

Tuukkas ideas and plans convinced our members. That would also be enough to let him to join the race, but as a prophet of Tewio I was gifted by a vision – Tewio asked me to deliver His words to Tuukka and our White Father blessed His High Priest`s campaing. With the blessing of the Tewio and his party, Tuukka is ready to challenge other candidates in the race for presidency.

Fight with honour! Fight for Tewio! Never give up!

Prophet of Tewio
Advisory Representative
Tewionist Party of eSingapore