[WLO] Tewionist Party of eSingapore

Day 676, 11:57 Published in Singapore Finland by Erius

[My apologies to my Finnish readers, this article is writen only in English.]

Greetings, my fellow singaporeans

After I spend couple of weeks abroad – mostly in eUK – I`m now back – and Tewio only know`s how happy I am for it. Now I`m again at the top of WLO`s hierarchy and as a prophet of Tewio I have decided to rise our party and tewionist community to it`s former glory. This is our party`s call to you, my fellow singaporeans, to join our ranks and help our order, party and community to build better Singapore with other parties.

What makes our party, Tewionist Party of Singapore, the best?

Tewionist Party of Singapore has only couple members – most of them very active and experienced players. Some our members are abroad now so they are not in our party, so that is one reason why our party is quite small. Still, because of our active members, we are very organized party and our in our IRC channel our party members share their thoughts and ask help if they need – we are very united group of players.

”Democracy is more than voting for the candidate of your choice on a given day. Democracy is not an event, it is a process, a dutiful process at that. It is a commitment that you’re going to stand for something, step out onto that limb every day, suffer the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune, and, simply by the sheer will of belief that you know what it is your heart is right, change the world, a little bit at a time.”

--Arjay Phoenician

Our party has a meaning and there is something we believe – we believe in strong eSingapore. Most of our members have comed here because of our religion, tewionism, and they got experience from other countries and we all know, that eSingapore isn`t as strong as it could be.

Personally I have been sitting in eFinland`s congress and goverment – also I act as a president of eFinland. I`ve seen many things in my eLife and I also know what things should be changed in eSingapore – as most of our members know. We don`t see large scale problems but there`s many things we would change and ad. Because we don`t have congressmembers we can`t propose these ideas in congress, but we will share our dreams and ideas with you, my fellow citizens.

This is our old manifesto – I`m sure that we are going to write a new one soon:


Firstly TPS aims to influence Singaporean army and make it even more efficient with new and innovative thoughts from the whole New World and adapt them to Singaporean way of life and culture. Improving army is necessary to protect Singaporean Independence, since we have seen how fast things can change in New World, there might not be enemies right now but there is always a chance. Improving army is essential to keep up good foreign relations.

Foreign Affairs

Like it´s said in last title the power we get from the army builds the base for our foreign relations. Even trough the good man to man – relations are really essential and the key for fast response to affairs that affect besides us and other countries.

Internal politics

Government´s public relations are something that needs improving. Right now governments bulletins are full of opinions which is improper for government bulletins, it’s right and really recommend to have own opinions, but publishing them under [GOV] tag is really improper. We´ll aim to stop this and improve government’s bulletins even better and faster.


Only one sentence makes everything clear: “With great fortune comes great responsibility“. Deprivation capitalism is something that hurts besides individual it also has a great effect on the whole nation.

We will take a closer look in these things but at the moment this manifesto will give some information about our goals.

Our party will try to get more active people to politics. Personally I`ve promised to use my all strenght and knowledge to help eSingapore – our current president Arbryn nominated me as eSingapores rep in Sol and this is an honour for me. Just like me our members are ready to help eSingapore – what ever it cost. Party itself can be found here:


Join us in our holy crusade to make eSingapore a better place! There`s no need to become a tewionist if you want be part of our attempt to make eSingapore a better place! Join us and let the eSingapore know what we can do!

Fight with honour! Fight for Tewio! Never give up!

Ps. Join us in our forums: http://p1.foorumi.info/tewionism/index.php

Prophet of Tewio
Member of Tewionist Party of eSingapore
Advisory Representative