[TC] Too Long ; Didn't Read. [Day 862]

Day 862, 19:45 Published in Canada Canada by Trenton Rendell

Welcome to Too Long ; Didn't Read, the daily news segment for those canucks too lazy to read any articles in the top 10.

[EDEN] The Brotherhood: by: jbdivinus
tl;dr Jbdivinus discusses whats going to happen to Canada when/if the US leaves EDEN, he adds that Canadians shouldn't worry about the situation.

A Warlord for Canada: by Bruck
tl;dr Bruck plans on running for Prime Minister

Work Ethic by: jbdvinius
tl'dr jbdivinus list his congressional record and discusses the craziness going on in Congress.

People Augustus Baldwin Does Not Like: Part 2 of 17 by: Augustus Baldwin
tl;dr Augustus hates alot of people

[WGC] The Fram Awards - Nomination Thread by: Fram
tl;dr Fram is setting up 'The Fram Awards' and is accepting nominations

Allied Hotsheet Essentials - April 2010 by: Tyler F Durden
tl;dr Tyler provides links of various newspapers around our world.

Derek Harland And Acacia Mason -- An Unstoppable Force by: Acicia Mason
tl;dr Acacia writes about he would make a good Deputy Prime Minister to Derek Harland

Life in the political fastlane and the accountability deficit by: Alias Vision
tl;dr Alias resigns from being Speaker of Congress and explains why he made this decision.

So our Bro's are realy going to leave EDEN, eh? by: Dr.Pain
tl;dr Dr.Pain breaks the news that the US may leave EDEN

and finally

CSD And CNC To Merge? by: Tyler F Durden
tl;dr Tyler writes about a rumour about the Canadian Social Democrats and Canadian National Coalition merging.