*TC* The Capital Rises!! *TC*

Day 650, 18:32 Published in Canada Canada by Trenton Rendell

Welcome everyone to the Greatest moment in the War so far....

Canadians from all over the Country, from all over the world united under one banner, under one goal

To Kick The French Out Of Canada!

There wasnt one moment in the battle where Canada struggled, from the Boarder Area to the Underground we simply kicked ass.
We have proven something to the PEACE in the past couple of months.

You may have wiped us off the map, But we will never be gone. We as a nation has shown PEACE that we are stronger united. And no amount of Wars and defeats will ever bring are spirits down.

I am Canadian, WE are Canadian.

To that I say congrats Canada.

But the War isn't over, In fact the war gets tougher from here on out, We are no longer dealing with the English and French, We now have to face the Huns and Iranians.
Nevertheless if we are united as a country and as a People. No country will stand in our way.

Ontario Rise!
Canada Prevails!
PEACE et France Fails!