Day 645, 19:07 Published in Canada Canada by Trenton Rendell

19:00h Day 645- Montreal.

They Came from the all around Canadiens fet up with the French occupation on their dear province fet up with PEACE taking advantage of Canadian soil.

Canadian forces attacked Quebec 24h ago, easily capturing the Border Area, Rural Area and Suburbia.

But came to a halt in Montreal, Where CAF and PEACE forces fought. St Cathrine street was lined with bullet shells, Tank treeds and Grenade holes. After 5 hours of combat the CAF was able to capture Montreal and moved towards Quebec City.

It was the same story in Quebec City. CAF and PEACE forces fought most of the battle in the Capital. Surprise Tank assaults near the end of the battle surprised the CAF. But when the smoked clear and the clock ran out. It was a Canadian Flag waving on the Capital Building.

Welcome Home Quebec!

Canada is now 7:1 in recapturing our Provinces.