[Sr. Bin] SKILL MIGRATION (Economy part)

Day 953, 07:43 Published in Hungary Serbia by Lipec
This is English version of the article I published few days ago ([Sr. Bin] Migracija skill-ova), that finished as top 1 International, although it was written in Serbian. Due to many requests I received (both through IGMs and comments on the mentioned article), I have decided to make a reprint in English.
At the beginning, on your and my behalf, I would like to thank:
- Neuricius (newspaper: oneRepublik)
- andrijagajic (newspaper: Glas Razuma eSrbije)
without whom this article wouldn’t see it’s English edition. If you like the article, as a way of gratitude, I call you to subscribe on their newspapers.

Also, this article is published in Hungary since my previous article is still "alive" in eSerbia. I do hope that you don't mind me publishing this article here.

Preface on subject: ✖Sr. Bin becomes V2 BusiMISSman✖

As many of you have noticed, new option appeared on profiles of every eRepublik citizen and on profiles of companies. It is option "Migrate your skills", which can be accessed through a link of your profile(or for the owners of the company, through the link of each company separately)..


Since I received several emails from concerned citizens, who don't understand what it is about, I decided to make this first sr. Bin V2 tutorial in a series of ones that I definitely planned to publish as a form of continuing the previous tutorials "Sr. Bin becomes V2 BusiMISSman."

You can see some of my earlier articles about ecenomy in eRepublik (Serbian version only):
- Sr. Bin postaje BizMISSmen 1. [NEW EDITION] - ✖ DAJ MI PARE! ✖
- Sr. Bin postaje BizMISSmen 2. [NEW EDITION] - ✖ OTVARANJE (LAND) KOMPANIJE! ✖
- Sr. Bin postaje BizMISSmen 3. [NEW EDITION] - ✖ JOŠ MALO O KOMPANIJAMA! ✖

In order to adequately explain the new types of employment (new skills in V2), it will be necessary to further explain the new types of companies and how they will work in V2 ...

In short - If you have not yet informed, the V2 version eRepublik undergo drastic changes in economy. Not just us who are employed by someone, but the owners of companies.

The previous division of the skill's LAND, MANUFACTURING and CONSTRUCTION, will experience the new division. Primarily the work force changes in MANUFACTURING and CONSTRUCTION segments, while the previous LAND sector remain unchanged in terms of manpower, but will experience other changes. For example - there will no longer be different qualities (Qs) of LAND (the new Harvesting) companies, ALL harvesting companies will be of same quality (???). I'm reminding owners of current Q2, Q3, Q4 and Q5 Land companies that it was said they will be somehow compensated for the funds previously invested in upgrades of these companies but it remains to be seen how and in what way (I did not find any proper info on this subject, so if anyone has any information, please leave it in the comments).

In order to further explain how the structure of MANUFACTURING and CONSTRUCTION worker will change,I have to direct you in how will new products, which will be put by these factories on market, look like in future.

First of all: Forget (???) almost everything you ever knew about the economy in eRepublik!

Okay, not exactly everything, but majority! The only things that will (in terms of economy) remain somewhat the same are:
1. Q1 (1 green stars) to Q5 (5 green stars) qualities of companies, only for current MANUFACTURING and CONSTRUCTION companies (which won't mark how much wellness you lose per work, but this will be basis for additional multipliers, but about that in some other article...)
2. LAND companies will have only one type of workers, unlike it will be at other types of companies, and there won't be Q2, Q3, Q4 and Q5 LAND companies anymore. (whoa!!!???).

Everything else is changing!

Firstly: Structure of all finished products changes, just like type and effects of their use.

From now on all finished products have new attributes and their creation will require different types of workers, which will depend on pre-defined look of each item! Sounds complex? I agree! I'll try to explain on each type individually:

http://img576.imageshack.us/img576/5554/naslovfood.png"> 1. Food

From now on each food (meaning when V2 module starts) , will get those who have some food in inventory two attributes at start of new day. hat are wellness and happiness.As you can see on a given example (picture), here is in Q1 bread company made type of bread that will give you 1.5 wellness and 1.5 happiness on start of each day, if you use it. It is important to note that any product can be designed as desired by company owners, and therefore, it'll be able to make Q1 bread that gives you ONLY wellness or only happiness or some other way that will total 30 points (for Q1 company) be distributed (customized) by wish of company owner.

What this has to do with the workers who are working in that food company?It has much to do, because number of workers that company must hire to make finished product depends on type of bread they are making.

On predefined example (15 points assigned to each attribute), it is about the same number of workers(or at least the same amount of productivity) to make finished product.
In this example (Food company) working force will be:
http://beta.erepublik.com/images/icons/skills/producer.png"> - Producers will work in Ingredients sector, which will affects how many wellness will be given through finished product.
http://beta.erepublik.com/images/icons/skills/marketingmanager.png"> - Marketing managers, will work in Packaging sector, which will affect how many happiness will be given through finished product in this company...

By each Q's (quality) of Food company, there will be 30 productivity points, which will company owners redistribute on their own will - to make specific final product. Various combination of designing final product will result as many different final products of same type and quality on market. Not only for Food companies, but for all other products as well.

http://beta.erepublik.com/images/icons/industry/food/q1.png"> Q1 Food Company
30 customization points, requires 30 units of grain to create 1 final product
http://beta.erepublik.com/images/icons/industry/food/q2.png"> Q2 Food Company
60 customization points, requires 60 (was 120) grain units of grain to create 1 final product
http://beta.erepublik.com/images/icons/industry/food/q3.png"> Q3 Food Company
90 customization points, requires 90 (was 270) units of grain to create 1 final product
http://beta.erepublik.com/images/icons/industry/food/q4.png"> Q4 Food Company
120 customization points, requires 120 (was 480) units of grain to create 1 final product
http://beta.erepublik.com/images/icons/industry/food/q5.png"> Q5 Food Company
150 customization points, requires 150 (was 750) units of grain to create 1 final product

I want to note that if in some case, one company, by decision of company owner, makes product that will use only one type of production (only wellness or only happiness), there won't be need that workers with skill which isn't involved in that product making work in that company.

Only briefly - this is important for company owners:
The product in company will be finished when all segments/components of production does have finished necessary part of work to make pre-defined product.

In the translation (on example 15 points for ingredients and 15 points for packaging), to make a Q1 food with these characteristics you nee😛
- Producer workers- they have to make 15 productivity points in ingredients sector and
- Marketing managers - they have to make 15 productivity points in packaging sector.

Both types of workers are using same raw type - Grain, and for every productivity unit, you need one raw grain (multiplied by Q of company for companies of higher levels). This means that for production of food in Q1 company from now on, you need 30 raw grain units (opposed to the previous, 1 grain for 1 Q1 bread unit)! This will, in addition affect to salaries of workers, largely affect on prices of this products, but it's important for you to know that previous productivity won't transfer at 1:1 ratio to V2 module (ie- there will apply some new rules, about which I will provide clarification in the text later)

In case that one sector prevails over workers or overall production, their overall production is stacking, and when in both sectors there is enough productivity points(producting process ends), there appears final product, and from component stock(where production was stacking before) it's reducing 1 needed final part for final product(in our case with bread which gives 1,5 wellness and 1,5 happiness, it's needed 15 ingredients productivity points for one ingredient component and 15 packaging productivity points for packaging component).

I believe that this looks very complicated to most of you, but simply - I have explained example of making product with the LEAST combination of elements and the LEAST types of workers!

Other company types are working on similar way.

http://img710.imageshack.us/img710/3733/naslovmt.png"> 2. Moving Ticket

Moving Tickets will also experience drastic changes from the previous well-known products.
In Q1 Moving Ticket company which will need oil for production like it's currently, there is also a change in ratio of needed raw materials for unit of finished product, so there will be 40 oils needed for one card to be made. Accordingly, when you create a company(or in this moment, when company owners choose MIGRATION OF SKILLS where they can pre-define how will their future product look like) it will be necessary to pay attention to the 3 possible quality factors of one ticket and consequently the necessary number of workers (ie productivity) of each sector to create a finished product:
http://beta.erepublik.com/images/icons/skills/producer.png"> - Producers will work in papers sector, which will affect how many wellness will you get (lose) when you use a ticket.
It is important to note that the label 1/use doesn't mean -1 wellness during move, for example, but is calculated by the formula: "the current wellness - 5 + X = new wellness after moving", where X is represented as X/use on each ticket. So, if ticket has a label 1/use (though not necessarily an integer) calculation will be:
Wellness - 5 +1 = - 4 total wellness after using these tickets...
Consequently, the ticket labeled 10/use, will bring you five wellness when you use it, but that will be (probably) Q5 Moving Tickets, so their price will be interesting...😛
http://beta.erepublik.com/images/icons/skills/marketingmanager.png"> - Marketing Managers will work on the packaging sector, which will affect how much happiness will we get(lose) when we use a ticket(the same thing as the wellness, the label 1/use doesn't mean -1 happiness, but it's calculated by formula "happiness - 5 + X= new happiness"
http://beta.erepublik.com/images/icons/skills/projectmanager.png"> - Project Managers will work in the sector Itinerary, which introduces a major innovation in terms of map - Moving Distance (distance trips). This segment will, in terms of productivity, be able to make progresses of 20 units which indicate 1 moving distance(distance travel by zones)... All in all, Zone 1 tickets will be enough only for moving inside SAME ZONE, about which I'll have to talk some other time... Let's just say that the New World will be divided into zones both horizontally and vertically and therefore you will be able to move depending on the quality of tickets you have... For example - from Vojvodina (Serbia) to Liaoning (Serbia) you will need tickets that cover three travel zones, and now it will be possible to travel directly to country which is in direct war with your current country, so - for example, from Vojvodina to Slavonia or any other eCroatian region you'll need 1 ticket that covers 1 zone, because these two countries are in the same area on the map. With 1 area card you'll be able to get from Vojvodina to any part of Greece and Turkey, but to Southest Hungarian region (Southern Great Plain) which has direct borders with Vojvodina - you'll need ticket with moving distance 2... (Ah that Geography, now it will be even more complicated 😛)

http://beta.erepublik.com/images/icons/industry/movingtickets/q1.png"> Q1 Moving Ticket Company
40 customization points - requires 40 units of oil to create 1 final product
http://beta.erepublik.com/images/icons/industry/movingtickets/q2.png"> Q2 Moving Ticket Company
80 customization points - requires 80 (was 160) units of oil to create 1 final product
http://beta.erepublik.com/images/icons/industry/movingtickets/q3.png"> Q3 Moving Ticket Company
120 customization points - requires 120 (was 360) units of oil to create 1 final product
http://beta.erepublik.com/images/icons/industry/movingtickets/q4.png"> Q4 Moving Ticket Company
160 customization points - requires 160 (was 640) units of oil to create 1 final product
http://beta.erepublik.com/images/icons/industry/movingtickets/q5.png"> Q5 Moving Ticket Company
200 customization points - requires 200 (was 1000) units of oil to create 1 final product

To mention that now that all moving will take more wellness and happiness (with standard "Q1 tickets&quot😉, it will result in less opportunity for various military units to take part in big number of battles(of course, without GOLD USAGE to rehabilitate consequences of these trips!) because it'll themselves require large loses wellness and happiness, even in minor migrations...

http://img716.imageshack.us/img716/9086/naslovair.png"> 3. Air Units

These are gift companies currently.
For one Q1 unit you'll need 50 titanium (former diamonds), and for final products these workers will be neede😛
http://beta.erepublik.com/images/icons/skills/engineer.png"> - Engineers will be charged with production of Missiles, and precision of helicopter will depend on quality of Missiles.
http://beta.erepublik.com/images/icons/skills/fitter.png"> - Fitterswill be charged with production of Body segments, and defense of helicopter will depend on quality of Body.
http://beta.erepublik.com/images/icons/skills/mechanic.png"> - Mechanics will be charged with production of Engine segment, and durability of aircraft will depend on quality of Engine.
http://beta.erepublik.com/images/icons/skills/technician.png"> - Technicians will be charged with production of Ammunition, and Damage of aircraft will depend on quality of Ammunition.

http://beta.erepublik.com/images/icons/industry/airunit/q1.png"> Q1 Air Unit Company
50 customization points - requires 50 units of titanium to create 1 final product
http://beta.erepublik.com/images/icons/industry/airunit/q2.png"> Q2 Air Unit Company
100 customization points - requires 100 (was 200) units of titanium to create 1 final product
http://beta.erepublik.com/images/icons/industry/airunit/q3.png"> Q3 Air Unit Company
150 customization points - requires 150 (was 450) units of titanium to create 1 final product
http://beta.erepublik.com/images/icons/industry/airunit/q4.png">Q4 Air Unit Company
200 customization points - requires 200 (was 800) units of titanium to create 1 final product
http://beta.erepublik.com/images/icons/industry/airunit/q5.png">Q5 Air Unit Company
250 customization points - requires 250 (was 1250) units of titanium to create 1 final product

It will be possible to create helicopters on many ways, and demand for workers will depend on types of helicopters that owners will decide to make...

http://img96.imageshack.us/img96/9878/naslovrifle.png"> 4. Rifle
(currently weapon companies)
For a Q1 unit 50 iron will be required , and finished products will require the following staff:
http://beta.erepublik.com/images/icons/skills/engineer.png"> - Engineers will be charged with production of Rifle Barrels, and precision of rifle attack will depend on quality of Rifle Barrel.
http://beta.erepublik.com/images/icons/skills/mechanic.png"> - Mechanics will be charged with production of Frame segments, and defense of rifle will depend on Frame quality.
http://beta.erepublik.com/images/icons/skills/fitter.png"> - Fitters will be charged with production of Rifle Butt segments, and endurance of rifle will depend on quality of Rifle Butt.
http://beta.erepublik.com/images/icons/skills/technician.png"> - Technicians will be charged with production of Ammunition, and Damage of rifle will depend on quality of Ammunition.

Please note that the role Mechanic and Fitter workers is different in previous two branches...This would avoid the possibility that some manufacturing sectors are favored over the other - though, this trend won't continue in next !! of finished products, where the "big guns" (helicopters, tanks and artillery) have the same distribution of workers, as opposed to those in Rifle sector...

http://beta.erepublik.com/images/icons/industry/rifle/q1.png"> Q1 Rifle Company
50 customization points - requires 50 units of iron to create 1 final product
http://beta.erepublik.com/images/icons/industry/rifle/q2.png"> Q2 Rifle Company
100 customization points - requires 100 (was 200) units of iron to create 1 final product
http://beta.erepublik.com/images/icons/industry/rifle/q3.png"> Q3 Rifle Company
150 customization points - requires 150 (was 450) units of iron to create 1 final product
http://beta.erepublik.com/images/icons/industry/rifle/q4.png"> Q4 Rifle Company
200 customization points - requires 200 (was 800) units of iron to create 1 final product
http://beta.erepublik.com/images/icons/industry/rifle/q5.png"> Q5 Rifle Company
250 customization points - requires 250 (was 1250) units of iron to create 1 final product

It will be possible to make rifles on many different ways, of course, so demand for a certain type of workers will depend on it...

http://img269.imageshack.us/img269/913/naslovtank.png"> 5. Tank

These are new companies, that have to be made in V2. Companies will have 50 productivity points to create final products by every star (Q) their company has. For one unit of Q1 tank 50 iron will be required and for final products these staff will be require😛
http://beta.erepublik.com/images/icons/skills/engineer.png"> - Engineers will be charged with production of Tank Barrel, and precision of tank will depend on quality of Tank Barrel.
http://beta.erepublik.com/images/icons/skills/fitter.png"> - Fitters will be charged with production of body segments, and defense of tank will depend on quality of Body.
http://beta.erepublik.com/images/icons/skills/mechanic.png"> - Mechanics will be charged with production of engine segment, and durability of tank will depend on quality of Engine.
http://beta.erepublik.com/images/icons/skills/technician.png"> - Technicians will be charged with production of Ammunition, and Damage of aircraft will depend on quality of Ammunition.

http://beta.erepublik.com/images/icons/industry/tank/q1.png"> Q1 Tank Company
50 customization points - requires 50 units of iron to create 1 final product
http://beta.erepublik.com/images/icons/industry/tank/q2.png"> Q2 Tank Company
100 customization points - requires 100 (was 200) units of iron to create 1 final product
http://beta.erepublik.com/images/icons/industry/tank/q3.png"> Q3 Tank Company
150 customization points - requires 150 (was 450) units of iron to create 1 final product
http://beta.erepublik.com/images/icons/industry/tank/q4.png"> Q4 Tank Company
200 customization points - requires 200 (was 800) units of iron to create 1 final product
http://beta.erepublik.com/images/icons/industry/tank/q5.png"> Q5 Tank Company
250 customization points - requires 250 (was 1250) units of iron to create 1 final product

Same as all other products, tanks will be possible to make on many different ways, so demand for a certain type of workers will depend on it...

http://img441.imageshack.us/img441/8998/naslovartillery.png"> 6. Artillery

Brand new companies, just like those for tanks. Companies will have 50 productivity points to create final products by every star(Q) their company has. One Q1 Artillery unit will require 50 titanium(currently diamonds), and for final products these staff will be require😛
http://beta.erepublik.com/images/icons/skills/engineer.png"> - Engineers will be charged with production of Gun Barrel, and precision of artillery unit will depend on quality of Gun Barrel.
http://beta.erepublik.com/images/icons/skills/fitter.png"> - Fitters will be charged with production of Body segments, and defense of artillery unit will depend on quality of body.
http://beta.erepublik.com/images/icons/skills/mechanic.png"> - Mechanics will be charged with production of Engine segment, and durability of artillery unit will depend on quality of Engine.
http://beta.erepublik.com/images/icons/skills/technician.png"> - Technicians will be charged with production of Ammunition, and Damage of artillery unit will depend on quality of Ammunition.

http://beta.erepublik.com/images/icons/industry/artillery/q1.png"> Q1 Artillery Company
50 customization points - requires 50 units of titanium to create 1 final product
http://beta.erepublik.com/images/icons/industry/artillery/q2.png"> Q2 Artillery Company
100 customization points - requires 100 (was 200) units of titanium to create 1 final product
http://beta.erepublik.com/images/icons/industry/artillery/q3.png"> Q3 Artillery Company
150 customization points - requires 150 (was 450) units of titanium to create 1 final product
http://beta.erepublik.com/images/icons/industry/artillery/q4.png"> Q4 Artillery Company
200 customization points - requires 200 (was 800) units of titanium to create 1 final product
http://beta.erepublik.com/images/icons/industry/artillery/q5.png"> Q5 Artillery Company
250 customization points - requires 250 (was 1250) units of titanium to create 1 final product

As all other menthined products, Artillery will have many variations and demand for a certain type of workers in those companies will depend on it...

http://img17.imageshack.us/img17/6220/naslovhouse.png"> 7. House

For each quality level (Q) of the company, 40 customization points will be provided respectively. Stone will be consumed as a raw material, instead of wood, and finished products will require following professions:
http://beta.erepublik.com/images/icons/skills/carpenter.png"> - Carpenters will be charged with production of Roof components, whose quality will determine amount of wellness received every day.
http://beta.erepublik.com/images/icons/skills/architect.png"> - Architects will be charged with production of Layout components, whose quality will determine amount of Happiness received every day.
http://beta.erepublik.com/images/icons/skills/builder.png"> - Builders will be charged with production of Wall segments, whose quality will determine the durability of your new house or, in other words, how many days you will be able to use it.

http://beta.erepublik.com/images/icons/industry/house/q1.png"> Q1 House company
40 customization points – requires 40 units of Stone to produce 1 final product
http://beta.erepublik.com/images/icons/industry/house/q2.png"> Q2 House company
80 customization points – requires 80 (was 160) units of Stone to produce 1 final product
http://beta.erepublik.com/images/icons/industry/house/q3.png"> Q3 House company
120 customization points – requires 120 (was 240) units of Stone to produce 1 final product
http://beta.erepublik.com/images/icons/industry/house/q4.png"> Q4 House company
160 customization points – requires 160 (was 640) units of Stone to produce 1 final product
http://beta.erepublik.com/images/icons/industry/house/q5.png"> Q5 House company
200 customization points – requires 200 (was 1000) units of Stone to produce 1 final product

Of course, there is enough room for variations when it comes to final products, from those that will focus on durability, or those that will specifically offer only wellness or happiness, to those that will have hybrid combination, all of which will influence the demand of certain types of workers in these companies…

http://img819.imageshack.us/img819/9609/naslovhospital.png"> 8. Hospital

For each quality level(Q) of the company, 40 customization points will be provided respectively. Stone will be consumed as a raw material, instead of wood, and finished products will require following professions:
http://beta.erepublik.com/images/icons/skills/carpenter.png"> - Carpenters will be charged with production of Roof segments, whose quality will determine amount of wellness received in each turn of the battle, if you are positioned in hospital’s radius and hospital is under the control of the side you belong to!
http://beta.erepublik.com/images/icons/skills/builder.png"> - Builders will be charged with production of Wall segments, whose quality will determine the durability of the hospital or, in other words, the amount of time it could be used on certain territory
http://beta.erepublik.com/images/icons/skills/projectmanager.png"> - Project Managers will be charged in construction of Ambulance segments, whose quality will determine area of effect, meaning the maximum number of tiles you can be distanced from the hospital, and still feel it’s effect, keeping in mind that hospital is under the control of the side you belong to…

http://beta.erepublik.com/images/icons/industry/hospital/q1.png"> Q1 Hospital Company
40 customization points – requires 40 units of Stone to produce 1 final product
http://beta.erepublik.com/images/icons/industry/hospital/q2.png"> Q2 Hospital Company
80 customization points – requires 80 (was 160) units of Stone to produce 1 final product
http://beta.erepublik.com/images/icons/industry/hospital/q3.png"> Q3 Hospital Company
120 customization points – requires 120 (was 360) units of Stone to produce 1 final product
http://beta.erepublik.com/images/icons/industry/hospital/q4.png"> Q4 Hospital Company
160 customization points – requires 160 (was 640) units of Stone to produce 1 final product
http://beta.erepublik.com/images/icons/industry/hospital/q5.png"> Q5 Hospital Company
200 customization points – requires 200 (was 1000) units of Stone to produce 1 final product

Like all other products mentioned above, here will also be plenty room for variations, which will influence the demand of respective types of workers…

http://img51.imageshack.us/img51/9853/naslovds.png"> 9. Defense System

For each quality level (Q) of the company, 40 customization points will be provided respectively. Stone will be consumed as a raw material, instead of wood, and finished products will require following professions:
http://beta.erepublik.com/images/icons/skills/architect.png"> - Architects will be charged with production of Layout segments, whose quality will determine the number of defense points received in case that on the battlefield you find yourself within the range of DS (Defense System), under the condition that its under the control of the side you belong to!
http://beta.erepublik.com/images/icons/skills/builder.png"> - Buildersi will be charged with production of Wall segments, whose quality will determine the durability of the DS or, in other words, the amount of time it could be used on certain territory
http://beta.erepublik.com/images/icons/skills/projectmanager.png"> - Project Managers will be charged in construction of Cannons segments, whose quality will determine area of effect, meaning the maximum number of tiles you can be distanced from the DS and still feel it’s effect(additional defense), keeping in mind that DS must be under the control of the side you belong to…

http://beta.erepublik.com/images/icons/industry/defensesystem/q1.png"> Q1 Defense System Company
40 customization points – requires 40 units of Stone to produce 1 final product
http://beta.erepublik.com/images/icons/industry/defensesystem/q2.png"> Q2 Defense System Company
80 customization points – requires 80 (was 160) units of Stone to produce 1 final product
http://beta.erepublik.com/images/icons/industry/defensesystem/q3.png"> Q3 Defense System Company
120 customization points – requires 120 (was 360) units of Stone to produce 1 final product
http://beta.erepublik.com/images/icons/industry/defensesystem/q4.png"> Q4 Defense System Company
160 customization points – requires 160 (was 640) units of Stone to produce 1 final product
http://beta.erepublik.com/images/icons/industry/defensesystem/q5.png"> Q5 Defense System Company
200 customization points – requires 200 (was 1000) units of Stone to produce 1 final product

I think that by now you realized that here also will be room for variations, which will influence the demand of respective types of workers…

http://www.erepublik.com/images/icons/skills/harvester_55x55.png"> Harvesting Companies

These are former LAND companies, that from now on will be called Harvesting companies, which in V2 eRepublik will be consisted of:
http://beta.erepublik.com/images/icons/industry/grain/default.png"> - Grain
http://beta.erepublik.com/images/icons/industry/oil/default.png"> - Oil
http://beta.erepublik.com/images/icons/industry/titanium/default.png"> - Titanium
http://beta.erepublik.com/images/icons/industry/stone/default.png"> - Stone and
http://beta.erepublik.com/images/icons/industry/iron/default.png"> - Iron

As I managed to see, the biggest change in LAND companies will be removing of the quality level of the company we know now(at least now there is no way to create Q2...Q5 LAND company). How this will reflect current migration of Q2+ LAND companies from V1 to V2, honestly – I don’t know. So far I haven’t managed to gather adequate information regarding that issue(don’t take it against me, there is always an option that I missed something). If I gather any additional information in comments, I will be more than happy to update this part...

Things, the way I see them, is that there will be NO LAND (or HARVESTING) companies of different quality level(Q). They will all become "Q1" companies. On the other side, important notice to LAND workers is that they will have a little less “headache” regarding “Skill Migration”.

All in all, regarding LAND (from now - HARVESTING) companies, they will hire ONLY HARVESTING workers. Big news in V2 is the information that all types of finished products require different(and much larger) amounts of raw materials. In this way the developers plan to put and end on the hyper production of raw materials, which disrupted the economy of the game in many turns during the V1 cycle…

Also, what I find confusing is, on which basis will HARVESTING (among others) worker’s productivity be valued, though I am sure that in V2 there won’t be old types of "productivity" (valued according to quality level of company), instead it’ll all come down to employee’s skill, and that wellness(and happiness) consumption during work will be based on number of hours spent on work every day + multiplier bonuses that you MUST use on that occasion(remain calm - there are FREE bonuses as well!)... According to that, we should first await for development team to introduce final formulas which will be used to calculate productivity, after which we should expect new company productivity tools which will help company owners to realize how big should salaries in certain branches be, so the owners can do business without losses...

TRANSFERRING SKILLS from V1 to V2? (2+2 not = 4!)


According to numerous questions I came across, I think its important to mention that old skills (such as LAND + CONSTRUCTION) in amounts 2 + 2 won’t "equal 4" in some new skill in V2 module. Namely, You are familiar with the fact that in early stages of some skill development You receive more skill points at start, when your skill is low(or you have no skill at all) – so some people came to a conclusion that it would be good to use this period of adjustment to new version of eRepublik to increase all skills that are low or 0, because in that way they would “get more” in V2. Fortunately, it WON’T work like, so don’t bother yourselves trying to “fool the game” with that kind of math. Thing that will be valued during skill migration is the number of days you spent working in V1 version of eRepublik, which would then be respectively transferred to V2 skills, taking into count only number of days spent doing ANY TYPE of job.

At last, to summarize 😛

1. New professions are:
http://beta.erepublik.com/images/icons/skills/producer.png"> - Producers which will work in: Food and Moving Tickets companies.
Their work will affect on amount of wellness gained/consumed when using finished products.
http://beta.erepublik.com/images/icons/skills/marketingmanager.png"> - Marketing Managers which will work in: Food and Moving Tickets companies.
Their work will affect on amount of happiness gained/consumed when using finished products.
http://beta.erepublik.com/images/icons/skills/projectmanager.png"> - Project Managerswhich will work in: Moving Tickets, Hospital and Defense System companies.
Their work will affect on moving distance/area of effect when using finished products.
http://beta.erepublik.com/images/icons/skills/carpenter.png"> - Carpenters which will work in: House and Hospital companies.
Their work will affect on amount of wellness gained when using finished products.
http://beta.erepublik.com/images/icons/skills/builder.png"> - Builders which will work in: House, Hospital and Defense System companies.
Their work will affect on durability of finished goods the would produce.
http://beta.erepublik.com/images/icons/skills/architect.png"> - Architects which will work in: House and Defense System companies.
Their work will affect on amount of happiness/defense gained when using finished products.
http://beta.erepublik.com/images/icons/skills/engineer.png"> - Engineers which will work in: Rifle, Tank, Artillery and Air Unit companies.
Their work will affect on attack accuracy of finished product in which production they participated.
http://beta.erepublik.com/images/icons/skills/mechanic.png"> - Mechanics which will work in: Rifle, Tank, Artillery and Air Unit companies.
Their work will affect on defensive power of rifles, or durability of tanks, artillery and helicopter units they produce.
http://beta.erepublik.com/images/icons/skills/fitter.png"> - Fitters which will work in: Rifle, Tank, Artillery and Air Unit companies.
Their work will affect on durability of rifles, or defensive power of tanks, artillery and helicopter units they produce.
http://beta.erepublik.com/images/icons/skills/technician.png"> - Technicians which will work in: Rifle, Tank, Artillery and Air Unit companies.
Their work will affect on damage of units they produce.
http://beta.erepublik.com/images/icons/skills/harvester.png"> - Harvesters which will work in: Grain, Oil, Titanium, Stone and Iron companies
Their work will affect on amount of resources extracted in company they work.

2. There is plenty if time to try out V2 in beta version of eRepublik (beta.erepublik.com) and try to get to some conclusions by yourself.

3. Warmest recommendation, for Your own sake - choose ONLY ONE skill type hat you gonna use in V2, because it will affect you productivity, and respectively your salary in V2! It is much better to be specialist in one area that "all rounder" that knows a little bit of each skill, because You gonna miss those skill points spent in “other” skills when it comes to finding well payed jobs... Anyway, in this period of time you still can change it all, until you get your final decision, but the recommendation is to focus on one skill only...

4. There is no "best skill", because only when V2 gets fully implemented, time will show what products will be more or less valued, and accordingly which skill will be most demanded and payed in times that are coming.

5. If, until now, people were payed the best for LAND sector, the chances are that it will also happen in V2 module…or will it? Mostly because (unless I oversaw something) all HARVESTING companies will be equaled by quality. According to that, math should be "simple": Many HARVESTING companies = large demand for HARVESTING workers = chasing for better workers = increasing salaries in certain area. On the other side, this can backfire in case that MANY people migrates their skills into HARVESTING, and produce a counter effect in which math would be following: Many HARVESTING workers = any and every JOB offer gets accepted = the interest in chasing for workers diminishes = diminishing salaries in certain area...

6. According to all, the only real indicator in future will be TIME and market migrations, along with the choice of “new primary” skill, made by the majority of players. Just remember how misinformed you were according the complexity of appealingly simple V1 module, and multiply it with XY factor that will await us in V2. Its easily possible that Mechanic or Project Manager will be best payed job in times to come, but I think that vast majority of players will play on sheer luck when choosing their skills, and according to that will get rewarded or suffer the “consequences” of such a choice...
EDIT: There is great tool developed which might help you to see what professions took some players already (http://www.erep.cc/migration), so it might help you in your final decision... (original article about this tool can be seen at: Skill migration) 😉

7. When V2 module gets completely alive, give it a chance - don’t jump to conclusions before you experience the final quality of it (which will surely differ in many ways from current BETA V2 version!).

In the end, I would like to say that personally I’m surprised with efforts to transfer to V2 as soon as possible, but I can understand developers that long time ago announced that “new module will be available for playing already this spring” (although now its officially summer, so - "they fall behind in development&quot😉. Keeping in mind that I had the opportunity to try V2 beta several times, I’m under the impression that there is much “unfinished business”, before we officially get transferred to new version.

My personal opinion is that new that we see every day (such as latest "skill migration&quot😉, is just a call for people to try V2 BETA version ASAP, so they don’t wait it “unprepared", and that, in fact, development team requires many more(free) "beta testers" that will point to some of currently many bugs, and show how will the game behave when there are 100, 500 or 1000 soldiers on each side of the battlefield... according my V2 testing experience, priority will be enormous increase in stability and speed of game itself, because there are too many bugs in current V2 module that cause either headless chicken or too long response from server, that can irritate even the most calmed player, not to mention about the reactions of those with “shorter fuse”... 😉

No matter what development team announces, I believe that V2 won’t get alive so fast or the creators will sink their own boat with premature release of their unfinished child, which will result in total crash and lead majority players to quit, which I hope won’t happen beside great changes that expect us in V2...

One more time, I would like to thank:
- Neuricius (newspaper: oneRepublik)
- andrijagajic (newspaper: Glas Razuma eSrbije)
without whom this article wouldn’t see it’s English edition. If you like the article, as a way of gratitude, I call you to subscribe on their newspapers.

Lipec aka Sr. Bin