[Slavic Union ENG] Interview with SLOBOZHANYN, SU delegate for Ukraine

Day 1,533, 10:48 Published in Slovakia Slovakia by Luxia Borgia

Hi friends,

I will publish interviews with all Slavic Union delegates so you can have more info about these interesting people and countries they represent.

Lets enjoy interview with Slavic Union delegate for Ukraine, SLOBOZHANYN:

1. When did you started to play eRepublik and how it was for you on the start?

I started playing eRepublik only 4 months ago. From the beginning I enjoyed the game and on the second or third day I joined my first Military Unit - UMA (Ukrainian Military Academy) where I was given a lot pieces of advices, that's why I haven't done so many mistakes which many newborns do.

2. Tell us something more about yourself.

In real life my name is Vladislav, I'm 16, I live in a little town near Kharkiv and I'm studying in a college.

3. What is your reason to play eRep now ? And what is your reason for participating in Slavic Union?

I want to earn many medals and to see eUkraine in the list of the most powerful countries in eRep🙂. I am a member of a Slavic Union, because I suppose that all Slavic nations are friends and I would like them to be so in eRepublik too.

4. Tell us something about current life in your e-country ...

Today eUkraine population is divided into 2 groups - the supporters and the opponents of our president.

5. How do you imagine possible future of your e-country in Slavic Union (advantages, difficulties...) ?

I hope eUkraine will occupy a leading role in a Slavic Union😉. The main barrier at this moment is the attitude of most of our population to Russia, but I hope that we will find common language)

6. Which one of e-countries currently participating in Slavic Union delegate did you visited in RL, and how was it for you?

It's a pity, but I haven't visited any slavic country yet, but I would like to visit Montenegro and Croatia and also Czech Republic with Poland. After I'll reach 18 I will necessarily do that😉

7. What is your opinion about Slavic Union Armed Forces?

As for me, the biigest problem is that some countries still don't have Slavic MU's and people who would like to join Slavic Army don't know where to join🙁 But we can see a positive tender in this area, for example new MUs in Russia, Bosnia and Slovenia.

8. Which one of other e-world MUs do you like the most and why ?

UMA - my first MU.

9. Which moment in eRep did you enjoy the most, and why ?

My best day in game was when I became a Congressman a month ag😇 I also remember the day of the capture of Budapest and the beginning of liberation of eUkraine from eTurkey.

10. Is there something you would like to say to other players ?

I would like to say to all slavs that we have to forget all past insults and unite because TOGETHER WE ARE POWER!

Thank you a lot for interview!

Luxia Borgia

Delegáti / Delegates:

Delegates interviews:
Luxia Borgia