[Slavic Union ENG] Interview with SHTURMOWIK, SU delegate for Russia

Day 1,534, 09:46 Published in Slovakia Slovakia by Luxia Borgia

Hi friends,

I will publish interviews with all Slavic Union delegates so you can have more info about these interesting people and countries they represent.

Lets enjoy interview with Slavic Union delegate for Russia, SHTURMOWIK:

1. When did you started to play eRepublik and how it was for you on the start?

I started playing eRepublik on Jan 04 2010. I was invited by my friend. On the start it seemed to be an amazing complicated eWorld where you have a lot of different possibilities: business, politics, military career, journalism. Those were the times of V1. There was a nice community in eRussia at that time, a lot of great interesting peoplewho already left game, but about them and their dids players still remember. Later I left the game for about a year, but returned back when eRussia got under occupation.

2. Tell us something more about yourself.

In RL I live in Russia, I am 20, I study math and information technologies in the university and work as a programmer. In erepublik I run the Neomonarchist Imperial Party of eRussia and command the White Guards MU.

3. What is your reason to play eRep now ? And what is your reason for participating in Slavic Union?

Firstly the reason was fun of course, but as for now it's more getting to be like a habbit : ) As I have already said in some interview before, one of the main reasons of my participation in SU is my RL interest about this old idea, and eRepublik is a kind of a good platform for experiments) If we succeed in creating the SU, it will be interesting to watch the processes in slavic countries, the people's attitude, the possible problems that can appear and etc.

4. Tell us something about current life in your e-country ...

At the moment we are protecting our sweedish colonies from Poland's attack,
discussing the economy module changes and having different kind of fun as usual : )

5. How do you imagine possible future of your e-country in Slavic Union (advantages, difficulties...) ?

The main advantage in my opinion is having faithful allies with ethno-cultural congeniality. The predictable difficulties - relations with ePoland, and the butthurt of people who are against SU inside the country : ) But anyway it's going to be an amazing show and bring a lot of fun.

6. Which one of e-countries currently participating in Slavic Union delegate did you visited in RL, and how was it for you?

I visited Bulgaria 9 years ago. I liked the people, their attutude towards my country, the atmosphere and the nature. Unfortunately I didn't have a possibility to visit any cultural or historical places, such as Plovdiv, I spent most time in the capital and in the Kiten town near the seaside, but I think I will do it someday : )

7. What is your opinion about Slavic Union Armed Forces?

SUAF itself is a great idea. It is going to become a strong international force, which every country will have to take into considiration, and it's a perfect social base for building our Slavic Union

8. Which one of other e-world MUs do you like the most and why ?

Mostly I like my party's MU - the White Guards, perhaps because it's cool and because I have created it : )

9. Which moment in eRep did you enjoy the most, and why ?

The most epic moment was when we conquered eUSA 🙂 That was a great fun, and it caused a big babyboom. I also remember the moments when Russia was under enemies occupation, in these times people consolidated and fought till the last gold to liberate their eMotherland, those were epic battles. I also can remember the moment when a russian hacker Keks hacked the Insider (the admins' newspaper in V1) and posted a joke-article there 🙂

10. Is there something you would like to say to other players ?

I would like to advise not to forget that it's just a game, but even in a game to stay honorable.
Enjoy your experience here, respect other players and join SU, everybody, of course : )

Thank you a lot for interview!

Luxia Borgia

Delegáti / Delegates:

Delegates interviews:
Luxia Borgia