[Slavic Union ENG] Interview with Eagean, SU delegate for Macedonia

Day 1,532, 14:53 Published in Slovakia Slovakia by Luxia Borgia

Hi friends,

I will publish interviews with all Slavic Union delegates so you can have more info about these interesting people and countries they represent.

Lets enjoy interview with Slavic Union delegate for Macedonia, Eagean:

1. When did you started to play eRepublik and how it was for you on the start?

29th April 2011, Seleuk Nikator, also a good RL friend of mine, was annoying me so I fell under the pressure.

2. Tell us something more about yourself.

Well I'm a human,male,18 years old, I'm studying in a highschool of law and economics, retired swimmer and karatist, future politician maybe 🙂

3. What is your reason to play eRep now ? And what is your reason for participating in Slavic Union?

My reason to play eRep is fun, making friends, beating up Greeks. A reason for participating in Slavic Union? Hmmm..it's a tough challenge, and I like challenges.

4. Tell us something about current life in your e-country ...

Well we have pretty nasty surrounding,3 of 4 of our neighbours are EDEN countries, but still we kick their ass 😉

5. How do you imagine possible future of your e-country in Slavic Union (advantages, difficulties...) ?

Naah if that happens, Macedonia, Croatia, Serbia, Poland in the same union, Plato will go mad, but it would be nice,even if it lasts for a single day, I mean total domination 😛

6. Which one of e-countries currently participating in Slavic Union delegate did you visited in RL, and how was it for you?

I've visited Plzen and Praha in Czech Republic and I like their architecture, and Pilsner Urquell 😛

7. What is your opinion about Slavic Union Armed Forces?

They are a strong,cool MU, they have a promising future, to become the strongest international MU maybe.

8. Which one of other e-world MUs do you like the most and why ?

I like only my MU sorry,GoodFellas rulezzz brother🙂

9. Which moment in eRep did you enjoy the most, and why ?

When we erased Greece for the first time of course. I was a very young player, Macedonian e-nation was full with enthusiasm ,we were crushing everything without a problem back then.

10. Is there something you would like to say to other players ?

Respect your opponent,as long as he respects you.

Thank you a lot for interview!

Luxia Borgia

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