[Slavic Union ENG] Interview with Dirty16 , SU delegate for Slovenia

Day 1,532, 03:49 Published in Slovakia Slovakia by Luxia Borgia

Hi friends,

I will publish interviews with all Slavic Union delegates so you can have more info about these interesting people and countries they represent.

Lets enjoy first interview with Slavic Union delegate for Slovenia, Dirty16:

1. When did you started to play eRepublik and how it was for you on the start?

I started playing on May 23, 2010. This was in the times when you had to watch out your wellnes, buy gifts and all sort of those things. It would have been hard but thankfully slovenia has a programme called \\\"slovenian university\\\" where mentors help new players in erepublik...In time i\\\'ve become a mentor of slovenian university as well.

2. Tell us something more about yourself.

My RL name is Tim, but in erepublik I\\\'m called Dirty16. I\\\'m mentor of slovenian university, Party president of SNR (full name: Stranka za Napredek in Razvoj), Commander of SUAF SL and Slovenian delegate of SU.

3. What is your reason to play eRep now ? And what is your reason for participating in Slavic Union?

I liked the \\\"old\\\" erepublik more so it is not the game that keeps me playing. It\\\'s the people of SNR and SU. Specially the idea of SU it is something unimaginable in RL but in Erepublik...maybe not so much. I first heard of Slavic Union when Ghostbiker made a \\\"stop\\\" in Slovenia, he published an article about SU and i really liked, i even translated it into slovenian so that those who didn\\\'t speak english could read about the idea of SU...and from that point it only developed further.

4. Tell us something about current life in your e-country ...

Slovenia has become known as a story of success a very small country by population but still we occupy Switzerland and north of Italy. Many nations larger than ours are occupied. But we have our slovenian heart, our diplomats, our strategists and our allies with whose help we remain the only country which hasn\\\'t been occupied since V2 (so they tell me😁. I never liked that military interfers in political affairs so i took over presidency of SNR party, SNR is the 2nd largest party of slovenia and we have become very active...we also achived that other paries became more active and we are all trying to make politics a matter of parties not a matter of MUs.

5. How do you imagine possible future of your e-country in Slavic Union (advantages, difficulties...) ?

I never saw slavic union as an official alliance like ONE, TERRA or EDEN. I see slavic union as a union of people from different slavic nations who are smart enough to over come our differences and just have fun. It is hard for some nations to cooperate, specially for nations of ex-yugoslavia. But we have to beat the resentments and just have FUN.

6. Which one of e-countries currently participating in Slavic Union delegate did you visited in RL, and how was it for you?

I have only visited one SU country and that country is Croatia...lets face it their coast is much more beautiful than those 48.6 kilometers of Slovenian coast 🙂. The experience was mostly fun. The people were very nice to us but still there are some "idiots" in every country. And in Pula (croatian city) when some nathionalistic guys saw slovenian license plates on our car, they started yelling very rude words...But it was understandable...it was the summer of 2010 and Slovenia was playing in World Championship in South Africa.......and they didn't 😃. But Croatians are great and i still consider the as brothers (even if they don't like it).

7. What is your opinion about Slavic Union Armed Forces?

Well I am after all the Commander of Slovenian SUAF...so i think this idea is great. To fight for slavic countries...even i they aren't in the same alliance as i am...i got a lot of great friends doing that. SUAF needs rules so that one country won't think that the other one has preference in SUAF...and we have great rules written by Hochelus.

8. Which one of other e-world MUs do you like the most and why ?

The best MU in the e-world is Slovenska kopenska vojska (SKV) it is a unit from slovenia that was originally founded in order to help new players in erepublik...sounds familiar? Yes i really like helping new players...I do it as a mentor of slovenian university...and they do it by giving weapons and food to new players...a great unit if you ask me.

9. Which moment in eRep did you enjoy the most, and why ?

It is hard to choose a moment. There were great and there were bad moments. The thing I will remember the most is not some moment...it's the people who play this game. I have made some great RL friends in this game.

10. Is there something you would like to say to other players ?

I would like to say to all the players slavic or not to overcome their differences, not to hate each other. Hatred only benefits a small group of people...the 1%. Don't let them steal our friendshi, our human brotherhood (and our slavic brotherhood). Do not blame the whole nation because of an act of one man or a small group of people. Not every german supported Hitler, not every serbian wanted to kill croatians and vica versa. You have to get to know each human being individually and not judge them by their nationality.
Peace, brotherhood and love to you all, Dirty16.

Thank you a lot for interview!

Luxia Borgia

Delegáti / Delegates: