[Pfeiffer4CP] Put this in my hands.

Day 3,240, 18:10 Published in USA USA by fingerguns

I really thought by the time we got to the next election, this would be an article about how we need to revive the Dept of Citizen Affairs. Thankfully, this isn’t that kind of article! DoCA has been undergoing some revival for the last month. There was some routine maintenance that really needed to be done that had been put off for a very long time. Comet Academy and Kody5 and Gabrielz_Horn did a good job of resuscitating BU2SU, writing educational articles about the air battle module and even got a forum game going.

It’s not that exciting. It really isn’t. But it’s all stuff that really needed to happen because everything has been neglected for such a long time and they’ve done a great job. The department has a steady pulse now and I want to kick things into high gear. I have spent the last 2 months as PP of the Feds looking for solutions to problems in our party, which are really the same problems that plague the eUS as a whole- overwhelming apathy among older players and a total disconnect for newer players.

While I can’t say that we’ve solved all of the problems and everything is hunky dory, we have made a ton of progress by focusing our energy on the people who are still interested in this game or have the potential to be (and kind of ignoring the people who just aren’t interested anymore). Our numbers have been climbing, we have a ton of active programs and activities going on. The Feds are having a GOOD TIME. Pfeiffer has been a big part of this, as well, despite not being a Fed. He inspires turnout for primaries, whether people are voting for him or against him... in such large numbers that people think there must be funny business. Pfeiffer being Pfeiffer can draw attention, but it is up to us to capitalize on it. We have done a pretty good job of that in the Feds, pulling in quite a few returning players and drawing in some bored players from elsewhere in the game who feel like there is still something to do here.

Pfeiffer being active draws attention. That’s what he does. But so far we haven’t really done anything with it (because we opted for safe and boring...for some mysterious reason). I want to make sure the eUS is capitalizing fully on this great opportunity by focusing all of my time and energy on building up our domestic programs, keeping the conversation going and facilitating as much fun as possible. I purposefully didn’t get into Congress. I am not running for Party President again. I am completely available because big plans demand attention if they are going to be executed properly. You have my attention, America.

Now, the reason I want to tackle this as Vice President instead of just asking to take over DoCA is because I think we need to take a holistic approach to these issues. It’s not merely a DoCA problem with a DoCA solution. The way all of our departments work together and the way our government works with the parties and MUs of this nation can either double down on the apathy or inspire a boost in energy. Pfeiffer is empowering me to oversee all of the Interior stuff (just like last time Pfeifferguns took office), and I am ALL OVER IT. This is absolutely my wheelhouse and I’m also really flippin excited to do it.

Real life is crazy. Like legit ‘Trump vs Clinton’ retarded. And there is so little we can do about it. In eRep, though, we can make a huge difference with just a little effort. We can have fun with this. It all starts with actually WANTING to do something. If you want to do something, if you want to have fun, if you want to feel like you’re a part of something worthwhile, then let’s get to it already! If your grudge is old enough to enroll in school, it’s time to let it go, friend. Take a nap. Have a drink. Start having a good time. If we are elected, this is what I will be all about for 4 straight weeks and I would love it if you would join me.

Vote Pfeiffer!
Read his latest article HERE (it's basically all about me)