[OPEN LETTER to eAustralia] Who am I?? What do I belong to?

Day 553, 05:27 Published in Australia China by srg91

2-3 month ago, an inspired new player joined a game. He knew almost nothing about this game, but was determined to have a new adventure, and create a name for himself, make some new friends along the way.

He was introduced onto IRC and got into the community. After learning the basics of the game as well as eAustralias' past, his resolution changed to one of helping out eAustralian community. Like the many others who wished to do so, he decided to run for Congress. Some tried to recruit him to their party, as they saw him as a great potential, other watched him warily, but he ignored it all and carried on with his dreams.

The question for him is which party to join, he didn't want to just an member of senate, he wanted to make his way in with a shine, and become a real deal with in the senate. With that in mind, he settled in the AIP with a warm welcome from Xavier Griffith, the then Party President. The appeal of AIP was none but the aspect of Independent, where no voting squads are used, no party lines are promoted, the only thing he needed, was his own ability to attract players to vote for him.

With that in mind as the sole reason he joined AIP, he was voted into congress by the people.

By this time, Xavi has decided to take a break from politics and the PP was transferred to Lancelot, who then in turn transferred it to StewartB, a new player, yet politically powerful. The player watched warily as StewartB joined AIP midway of his senate term from TBP.
He watched as StewartB declared his intentions to run for PP in the AIP. He watched as Stewart won unopposed, promising to bring activity and independence to the party.

~~~~ 2 weeks later~~~~

"Breaking News: AIP has doubled in its member strength and has gained a unprecedented 10 seats out of the 40 in eAus"

The player watched the ANN news with curiosity, many has told him that StewartB has organized voting squads, and has tried to turn AIP into a party. He refused to believe it.
He refused to believe it until it was too late. Because tonight, the player, srg91 has lost his only home in Australian Politics.

What made srg91say that?

StewartB wrote😮n Election Day I will put a running Tally of our candidates Votes.

I also want to make a list of pledge votes we can use like other parties do to snipe in the last hour. Please message me if you will be around online in the last hour on election day and can help snipe.

StewartB - Snipe Vote

This is an extract taken from the AIP forums, because it is Australian Independent Party, There is no such thing as Private Party forum. There are no "secret" Party decisions. We are not a party, we are individuals.

StewartB, I hope your happy knowing you killed what I loved doing. I will not be re-running for the senate of eAustralia next term. I watched in silence as you took over AIP, I watched in silence as you recruited members, but I can not watch in silence for killing off the foundations of what AIP is about.

I am not here to tell you how to fix up this mess, I am here to tell you that you have ruined EVERYTHING I saw in AIP, and with that, Australian Politics.

2 Term Senator
But more importantly,
a broken eCitizen