[MU] Join The Black Sheep!

Day 2,261, 15:44 Published in Netherlands Canada by Aries Prime

The Black Sheep

The Black Sheep is an independent military unit based in Netherlands. We can into existence a few months back when I, Aries Prime, decided to give players an independent option when choosing their MU. The MU is based on freedom of choice and soldier independence. You choose where to fight and when in an MU that holds Netherlands first, but is not afraid to deviate from official orders. The point is that you, the soldier, decide where to fight.

Soldier Independence

Soldier Independence means that you decide what avatar you wear, who you want to fight for, what to post in the feed, etc. There are no restrictions on what you can do or say, granted you aren’t being a general nuisance. Most military units force players to wear a certain avatar or badge to represent the military unit while others tailor their daily orders to fit a certain mold and try to force their members to fight there. In The Black Sheep our personalized avatar is optional and although we do choose the daily order, you are not required to follow such orders and can even influence where future daily orders are.

The key component of Soldier Independence is that there are no obligations and no restrictions. The soldier decides what they want to do according to their needs. Any soldier looking for a place to lay their head and fight where they choose is in the right spot.

How Daily Orders Are Selected

Generally, daily orders are selected in accordance to government orders and the interests of Netherlands as a whole. We are still a Netherlands based MU, which means we are partial to fighting for our country when the time arises. We fight in every Netherlands battle, be it resistance war, campaign, government supported, or not government supported. The idea is to gain true patriots, battle heros, resistance fighters, and show whoever is occupying our regions that we don’t take kindly to someone holding our regions—even if we have a treaty.

That being said, there is no reason why daily orders can’t be requested when there is no clear conflict with Netherland’s battles. For example, if a soldier wanted us to follow the Indonesian vs Colombia war, then we would have no problems setting that as the daily order for a few days. The only exception is when there is an important battle that that Netherlands needs to support. Many foreign wars aren’t represented or fought for here in Netherlands, so we want to at least give people a chance to fight where they want while completing their daily order.

The Brothers In Arms Tournament

At the time of me writing this article The Black Sheep is ranked 2nd in Division 1, 2nd in Division 2, and 3rd in Division 3. Although I realize this is only the first day, I am very confident that we can maintain top three in Divisions 1-3. It is my hope that with recruiting more Division 1-3 players we can maybe manage to reach rank two. Unfortunately PG is too strong to overcome in the rank one positions. We may be small, but we are already packing a punch in the rankings.


Aries Prime