[MoI] Greetings of new MoI and war games

Day 687, 01:42 Published in Singapore Finland by Erius

Greetings, my fellow citizen

5.10. we elected our living legend, Arbryn, again as our president - congratulations to her. She chose me as a Minister of Information to her Cabinet and due this term I will give you important information and guides with my own newspaper or goverments newspaper (which I proposed to be founded). You can found our new Cabinet here:


Unlike my predecessors I`m going to act as an active MoI. There is many things you citizens should be informed and I`m going to be the one who will tell you thoughts and orders of our goverment and also information about war games etc.

If our congress wont give our goverment a permission to found own newspaper for goverment`s articles then I will continue my job with my own newspaper - which you are reading atm. If I write article that will consist goverments information to you, my fellow citizens, then I will use tag [MoI] in articles title. This will tell you that this articles is from goverment or include vital information.

Philipines vs Maleysia war games are open again. Here is a short guide to those who doesn`t know how to fight. Follow these steps if you want to fight in training war.


[Short guide] How i fight?

1) Go to battlefield and fight till your wellness is between 40-50. (If your wellness is just above 40, fight once and then go to hospital (step 2.))

2) Stop fighting! After your wellness is between 40-50 you should go to hospital (link to hospital can be found from the page where you fought).

3)Heal yourself so that your wellness is over 90 and wait till next Ereday when you can fight again without destroying your wellness.

Follow these steps and you wont destroy your wellness.


~Erius, Minister of Information