[MoFA Team Hire] Apply today^^ (please vote it up)

Day 597, 02:17 Published in Australia China by srg91

Gday Australia,

Today I would like to start recruiting eAustralian citizens and allow them to get a chance at helping their nation. I have many plans installed but unfortunately I can not do all of it myself.

Active communication on IRC (This is a must of the must, active communication is more important then anything else, I prefer candidates who can communicate daily about issues)
Able to communicate and discuss immediate problems and find solutions for them
Be committed and well aware of important information around the world

Application form:
Profile link:
Reason as to why you wish work in MoFA:
Where do you see eAustralia in the next 3 month and how to achieve the future you see:

Please send the entire thing to my inbox 😃

This application will close on the Sunday 8PM EST.

There will probably be a judging committee for the results too. I will inform the applicants if they have been accepted for interviews or not.

Minister of Foreign Affairs.