[MoFA] Reports from ambassadors - Politics and Economy

Day 1,771, 06:26 Published in Norway Norway by Norwegian Consulate

Let's check what sort of informations our ambassadors brought for us in their first report.

Argentina, by caribo

About the Presidential elections it was controversial, the one who won the elections resigned ( he asked for an impeach) because the bank was stolen, so the one who ended second is now the President. The Party Elections were quiet, the only thing to remark was a TO to a tiny party, in which their members fought against Argentina a number of times.
The congress elections are a complicated situation, with the new things added to the game, its yet unclear how it would end, if UMA would still have more congressman than the other parties or if that can change.

The economic situation is very complicated, the central Bank was stolen, leaving eArgentina with no ars and gold. The new government decided to stop attacking, because of the lack of economic resources, and the economy is starting to recover, but very slowly.
The main plans to help the new players and the MU who run the state are still working.

The last government was one of the worst rated by the citizens, because not only of losing the central bank, but because the lack of work in most of the Ministers ( MoD was the only one working well).
Now, the actual President is very respected by the citizens of Argentina, not only handling well the economy but communicating often with the people.

Netherlands, by Che Kukaken

Nobody wanted to candidate for CP, so Van Spjik was pretty much forced to run for a 3rd term. He got many new players into the cabinet to recruit people to politics. Most of the old guard was left out.
There is anger in e Netherland because EDEN dont deal with Poland, but rather supports airstikes for Romania and Croatia.

eNL faces a huge economic crisis. eNL adopted a few austerity measures like giving less supplies unless you work in the government commune etc.
They are pretty much bankrupt, they only gets about 60k in income from taxes each month.

eNetherland is decline in activity.
This is the second term Van Spjik had to take responsibility and become CP because nobody else wanted to.

Sweden, by Cmurgh

Not much change as the CP for this month was the same as the last one. After starting Asgard Sweden went to a full scale war against ABC (fist Latvia and then Lithuania). The war started at the end of last month and been continuous since. So everything has been pretty much the same way it was during the last month.

No major changes in the parties also and I expect the top 4 parties will have a fair share of the congress like previous months. Probably the top 2 parties (NationaIgardet & Flashback Sweden) will have about 70% of the chairs.

Currently Sweden has 2 food and 2 weapon bonuses. During the wars Sweden lost its German regions (Sweden was renting them) to Lithuania and Germany got them back from Lithuania. Due to these event Sweden lost 2 of its food bonuses. So currently the food market seems not to be as stable as it used to be.

As for the treasury and national bank Sweden is in very good situation one of the top countries in the eWorld.

Most important recent laws approved are Natural Enemy laws toward Latvia and Lithuania. Beside those alliance with USA, Macedonia and Brazil are worth mentioning.

Bulgaria, by emanuil13

After being expelled from South America during Flausino's term, the new CP eDarkAngel decided to keep the country in peace for the majority of his term. The country had no funds to fight any wars in the beginning of his term. After heavy trolling and after it became clear that the majority wants a war, the CP decided to attack Romania, as Romania is busy in Asia and wants their capital region moved there. Romania has offered no resistance, thus Bulgaria can add 2 bonus regions for a very low price. Politicaly no one is sure what's gonna happen, because of the new election rule. Preliminary polls point to a victory for the nationalist BNF.

After a month of heavy fighting and buying a lot of damage from foreign MUs for the South American campaign the country was broke. The new CP took hold of all available orgs in Bulgaria and started a heavy trading campaign. Now the coffers are full again. Extra bonuses added from Romania will help even more.

Portugal, by Gameiro101

The CP team is a continuation of last month, so Portugal will continue to have an stable team in front of the country, on day 25 Portugal will try to have territories so we can have congress.

The market is collapsing, in all of the e-world, Portugal is suffer the same, but with the long time wipe Portugal is suffering more.

No important law approved in the last couple of weeks.

Canada, by SgtoCabral

The sensation it seems like the job of Wally Cleaver (CP) is very good, and may think in the reelection , or at least a next period for this cabinet. He represents a great percentage of the republican voters. Is important to note that the actual CP, won these elections with 5 votes upon the second candidate, Tyrael Snow.

So, for the congress election, the CPF, (party very strong, winning the last CP election) has 20 candidates, many of them are men of a vast experienced, like Jacobi (9 times CP, 18 Cogressman) or Christian Doe, 9 times congressmen, between other experencied politicians.

But it is very important to know that the actually CP, represents the "Military Dictatorship party", with the support of 4 parties(actually the coalition of this parties have the 54% of congress ), so they have many chances to make a great diference compared with the other great parties,(CPF and Clan Wolf).

After the war against Indonesia, (remember they occupy all Canadians territories), and with the peace treat, they increased again, and it seems like everything is gonna be fine in this peacefull country. The sun shines again in this great country, and the ghost of war is not too close.

Days ago they voted a Impeach against the CP, the result was 14 votes in dead heat. They rejected a NE with Spain, this could be a great war between a biggest alliances and allies. Also rejected a NE against US, this would probably be a suicide decision, and widely rejected.

They aproved, a increase in VAT and import taxes for weapons (17% percent against 12😵 and a decrease in import taxes, (1% against 2% from the past period). In food, thet approved a similar law, in VAT is up, from 12% to 17%. And in import taxes decrease from 10% to 1%.

Romania, by SgtoCabral

The actual CP, Mr, Bogdan Armand Sibrand win the election with a great support and importantly majority of votes 51% against 28%(el bandido). he is from the same party that the pass CP, FreeGigi.

Without any doubt, 2 parties have more chances to take the majority of places in the congress. They are the Partidul Liberal and the Matza Party. It is important to note, that the actual CP, Mr. Bogdan, are with the support from the Matza Party , eLegiunea Arhanghelului Mihail and the FDR party. FDR (Forta Democrata Romana), have a good list of experienced players to get important spots in congress.

The economy situation its good, they are fighting a war for Airstrike against Malaysia, and they extended the Timisoara treaty (NAP with Serbia and Hungary), but they also are in war against Indonesia, and this war requires many resources.

They increased the Vat and decreased the import tax for the weapons, increase the Vat and decrease the import for the food, they rejected a CP impeachment, senr an airstrike against Malaysia and NE Indonesia.

Brazil, by Per Jostein

The president was re-elected, so the changes both in internal and in international field were not sensible. Party presidents were fast and already set the candidates for the presidential elections: leviIIII for O.D.I.N., Major Henry for Partido Militar, StayAwake for Partido Democrata Brasileiro and Jeyson Antonelli, for ARENA are the favorite candidates. For Congress elections, the top parties created special avatars as propaganda. It is also the end of the blockers avatars, due to the changes in the election system.

Sallaries are low and GOLD value less each day. As in all eworld. Changes in the citizenship commission has been proposed. Brazil still doesn't have a Ministry of Immigration. I believe it can be created soon. A MPP with Sweden is now being voted and probably will be approved.

Ireland, by Trodmarius Jarsve

Ireland and England are fighting for Scotland territory and for northern Ireland, Dublin and Northern England. There aren't more changes. It is the same wars every day.

No new laws are made as much as I can see. All income taxes are 1.00 and import taxes are: food 99%, weapons 25%, moving tickets 99%, food raw materials 10%, weapon raw materials 10%, hospital 1% and Defense system 1%.

On behalf of the MoFA-team,
Per Jostein, Minister of Foreign Affairs.