[MoFA] Reports from ambassadors: Elections and Wars

Day 1,777, 07:27 Published in Norway Norway by Norwegian Consulate

Here is the second report sent by Norwegian ambassadors. This time the focus were Congress and Presidential elections and military stuffs.

Brazil, by Per Jostein

The number of voters in the last Congress elections was notably higher than in the last ones, even if some Brazilians moved to USA to avoid a PTO there. The results were: PERSONA 25%, O.D.I.N. 22%, ARENA 20%, Partido Democrata Brasileiro 17% and Partido Militar 15%.

Because of the new missions, Brazil made an agreement with Paraguay to set them as Natural enemy and fight three battles for citizens of both countries complete the mission. Brazil will conquer Paraguay and then give their regions back.

Next elections will be thrilling, as four of the five candidates (leviIIII - O.D.I.N.; Major Henry - Partido Militar; Jeyson Antonelli - ARENA; Kongha - P.I.C.A.) have the chance of winning. It is expected that the election be decided vote by vote.

Brazil is now approving a trading embargo to Portugal.

Canada, by SgtoCabral

The election results were as expected. The CPF party (Canadian Progrssive Front) they took a great majority of seats congress (45😵. The second place was for the Clan Wolf, party of Tyrael Snow. He was the second candidate in the actual CP election. They took 22% of congress seats. Finally the military Dictatorship party get a good result with 17%, and the remaining 14% was for Coalition Party of the NF-MDP and The Norsefire Party of Canada. This result was predicted in the last report.

The actual CP was 2 impeachment proposal, (the first was 14-14 in votes). The current peaceful situation is seen by some as boring, because they have many MPP, and is difficult to support any war. In second place the relationship with Indonesia it's frowned upon many Canadian with respect to the U.S Relationship and the potential consequences. In the day 1777 they going to get a NE Poland.

This not was a bad period but there is a feeling of poor leadership, so this can be a bad sign in the next CP election.(for the party od the actual CP). The next CP election present a ElPatoDiablo a player with a large time in game and supported by the party that dominates Congress. The Clan Wolf party present its actual president for the next CP election. Quimbie Muffins is an experencied player. Simon Boucher-Ruest represents Military Dictatorship Party, he was 14 times congressmen. The expectation seems like the CPF candidate has a great possibilities to win, but the other CP contest have many chances also. May be the experience of the other two candidates can be very important. Its gonna be a difficult election.

Argentina, by caribo

The Congress elections were normal, the predictions were right, and the party with most members take more seats than the others.
Besides that, from second to fourth the difference was 1%, so it was pretty close there. The results were: UMA - 13 seats, BS - 8 seats, GPS - 7 seats, PA - 7 seats, UPA - 5 seats.

The main focus was helping other countries to get Congress, the economic situation in eArgentina is still complicated, so there is no funds to start a new war, and considering the help eArgentina recieved against eBulgaria, the choice was to help our allies. New Zealand was approved as Natural Enemy.

The candidates are not set yet, some parties have a candidate, but it remains to be seen who will be the final candidate, in eArgentina that things are decided in the start of the month, normally the first day of the month.

Croatia, by dixib

Aragrob one of the most influental players of the eWorl win in the presidential elections last month. Congress elections results: Krug 13 - 25%, Hrvatska Demokratska Stranka - 20%, Savez Komunista eHrvatske - 20%, HSP dr.Mate Lula - 20%, Tuljanska Stranka - 15%.

Croatia arange TW with Tailand, in which they will occupy all Thailand regions and after give them all back exept Southern Thailand with RW. They will do it so players will have chance to finish their mission.
Croatia first tried to put NE on Chile and after on Serbia but that plan failed. They now put Thailand on voting to be thair NE.

Next month presidential candidates:
Ante General (HSP dr.Mate Lula)
mario16 (Ekipa za bolju eHrvatsku)
Roko.Zagor (Civilno društvo)
Al Vlahovich (Al Vlahovich's Private Party).

Germany, by Vileskont

Congress elections results: Open Mind Germany won the lion share- 40% with 210 votes( 15 Congressmen). Second Place for Bad Party- 8 seats. There is a shared third place- Liberal Patriotische Partei and Kommunishtische Partei both with 6 seats (each). Last place for Die Steinmetze- 4 seats.

Only active war is with Denmark. No natural enemy at the moment.

Current president is BadMax from Open Mind Germany. He will not run for a second term. The battle for the Presidency will be between Kalif Batan supported by Open Mind Germany versus Freiheitskaempfer supported by both the Liberal-Patriotische Partei and DIe Steinmetze. The other big parties are still to propose or support a candidate.

Netherlands, by Che Kukaken

Congress elections results: Democratisch Nederland 25 % Members: 5, Iron and Wine 15 % members: 3, The Progressive Party 20 % members: 4, Geuzen, Partij Nederland 30 % members: 5, Dutch Patriot Party 10 % members: 2.

Still two provinces occupied by Poland, (Western Netherlands and Southern Neterlands). Wants a NE so that the citizens can do the NE mission. Congress gave permission for CP to start TW with Norway if the eNorwegian congress agreed. Rough congress member proposed NE of Poland. Proposal denied. Premature NE of Norway for TW, proposal denied.

Van_Spjik is going for re-election, atm no other candidates. Even if some other player candidate against him he prob will win easily since he got strong support in the country.

Expectations: TW, so their Citizens can accomplish the NE mission. Hoping to regain their provinces occupied by Poland.

Portugal, by Gameiro101

Even with the help of EDEN Portugal don't have congress this month.

Natural enemy: Spain. Portugal has an amazing battle in Lisbon, an Rw that started with the suport of the people and with no help form the government (except found for suplies).

Portugal is facing some problems without the lack of solutions.

The congress try to impeach the CP because of is lack of activity, but the law has blocked because the runners up isn't also active.

On Next election one of the candidates is Paisana one Player that try to sell the country to an PTO team from Servia. Still waiting to see another candidate.

Sweden, by Cmurgh

Congress elections: As I predicted in the previous report top two parties had more than 70% of the seats (72.03😵. NationaIgardet: 39.05% (16), Flashback Sweden: 32.98% (13), Arbetarepartiet MSAP: 12.93% (5), Folkhemsdemokraterna: 11.87% (5), Nyborjar Partiet NIFF: 3.17% (1).

Sweden is a medium-size country in the eWorld, hence the military power is medium and compared to most of the countries in the region it's good enough! I would say that the Swedish military is more disciplined than most of the countries though and all the major armies work very coordinated. Natural enemy is Lithuania.

There are already 5 candidates none of which are serious contenders in my opinion. None of the major parties yet to propose a candidate and sure it will be different in a day or two.

Be alert cause soon interviews done by the ambassadors with important citizens of their assigned countries will be published!

On behalf of the MoFA-team,
Per Jostein, Minister of Foreign Affairs.