[MoFA] Reports from ambassadors: Economy

Day 1,835, 09:38 Published in Norway Norway by Norwegian Consulate

Let's check some of the informations our ambassadors brought in their second report.

Argentina, by caribo

Well, the economic situation is not bad, but its not the main priority due to the multiple fronts open for Argentina ( War with Chile, Paraguay, New Zealand, and the RWs) so sometimes there is supplies open.

Besides that, there is a plan to help with gold to the new players, in order to train better and be stronger in the future, so its an expenditure from the Bank

Like i said before, Argentina have multiple fronts open, Thursday it was 6 wars at the same time, so sometimes its complicated to fight in all the battles at the same time.

The situation improved when some countries ( Bulgaria, Poland) started having to fight in Europe, some days ago, those countries were free, so they hitted a lot against Argentina ( Bulgaria because of a bad relationship from long time ago), and that made Chile win the first campaigns. When Greece and Bulgaria started to fight against each other, the situation between Argentina and Chile was a 1 on 1, and thats helpful for Argentina.

Brazil, by Per Jostein

Brazil has full resources. The import tax for weapons is just 1%, while import tax for food is 99%, which means a higher protection by the government for food producers than for weapons producers. Perhaps it is because weapons are already cheaper than in other countries. Food is not the main focus of economical strategy.

I bring some data from Ministry of Finance: Between days 16 to 23 government had a total of collections: 311,152.33 BRL . In the same period they spent with new citizens: 14100.00 BRL . Six proposals MPPs between days 16-23 with values​​: 60000.00 BRL. In the same period the expenses of daily EB was 12000.00 BRL due to agreement with the government, totaling: 96000.00 BRL . So this time they had a surplus of 141,052.33 BRL. To arrive at these numbers was essential to increase the VAT on weapons, but is not encouraging considering the 390 Golds of National Control converted to a total of EUR 154.068.30 to send to EB. So if deem all expenses relative to revenues that account is negative in a total of 13015.97. They had an extra expense included in that account with the U.S. recently approved MPP and lost them due to NE Mexico. P.S.: EB means Brazilian Military.

- With an average variation in the value of wages of -1.34% during this period and accumulated -13.185; - With an average variation in the value of Gold 0.38% in this period and appreciation of 5.76% accumulated. - With an average variation in the Daily Revenue 11.43%.

Canada, by Georgij Zjukov

They've regained every of their original regions, so now they have more bonuses. And their economy has improved since Poland invaded them.

They have pushed Poland out of America together with USA, and they have a non-corrupt congress.

Ireland, by Exodah

As i said in my last report ireland had some problems with some PTOers. They are working on getting their economy back on track. This won't be a problem, ireland got quite a few helpfull people. Many have already donated quite alot to eIreland.

The congress elections are not over yet, but it seems like saoirse are going to win this election as i expected. At the moment saoirse is in the lead with 35% of the votes while independent labour party is 2nd with 26% of the votes.

Netherlands, by Exodah

Nothing important has happened recently as far as i know. I talked to their president van Spijck. He said their doing bad at the moment. They had a budget of about 40k this month.

Poland, by Evilchriss

Noting important has happened recently in the Polish economy.

United Kingdom, by noenting

The economic situation in the UK is quite calm. Similar to Norway wages and prices are low but have been recovering a bit in the last week. One or two articles about the economic situation have been published in the last week predicting a light rise of prices as well as gold prices unless a new offer to buy gold would appear. As this has happened during the birthday celebrations, I assume the gold price to fall again.

The Ministry of Finance tends to sell currency for what is the famous 0.003 rate in Norway. The bought Gold is once again sold for currency at higher prices. The Ministry stated the baisse at the Gold Exchange had forced them to stop their business but after prices increased once more the business could resume. It seems it is one of the most important ways of the UK to gain money.

Besides of this the situation is calm. New players get free food and weapons distributed by organizations, most notably the NHS (National Health Service). However, this Service recently stopped for 4 consecutive days while the reasons remain uncertain. First attempts to create a follow up organization are on the way. As the economic situation has been no topic of the Congress Election campaigns I guess the markets are really calm - or at least nobody has a clue on how to improve the situation.

The current congress elections have been preceeded by campaigns of the two governmental block in the UK. Lately the UKPP became the strongest party regarding member count and put the TUP on rank 2. As the political situation in the UK seems to be tight and since there has been many articles of the UKPP/NE opposition these parties could obtain a majority of seats in the new congress leading to a president who is no longer supported by the Congress.

Ambassador of the week award

noenting was the ambassador of the week again, proving that he is keeping his good work. I have to congratulate also the other ambassadors for their efforts.

On behalf of the MoFA-team,
Per Jostein, Minister of Foreign Affairs.