
Day 1,189, 08:55 Published in China China by Ministry of Foreign Affairs CN

各位EC国民 大家好 外交部又与大家见面了 感谢大家对外交部工作的支持与鼓励 现有两则人事变动的消息 特此公告

Thank you for your support MoFA.CN Now we have two personnel changes hereby public announcement

1. 由于Jin-Jang的离去 中国驻克罗地亚大使的职位暂时由外长兼替 但由于确实不懂克罗地亚语 效率较低 今天外交部有幸请到了能讲多国语言的nevvven来担任驻克罗地亚大使一职 相信懂克语的他 一定比外长强 同时 他也是一位经验丰富的玩家 如有事宜 可以向他询问 听听他的见解

1. Because of the leave of Jin-Jang,the position of Chinese ambassador to Croatia was taken by MoFA momentarily.But facing the problem that he can't read Croatian,the efficiency of work can't be high.Now it's an honor that we have nevvven to take the position,I believe that he(who can speak Croatian and many kinds of language)will be much better than MoFA.

2. 由于RL事务繁忙 windson不得不辞去驻英国 法国 德国大使的职务 外交部在此祝他一切顺利 并感谢他所做的贡献

2. windson has to quit his ambassador job to Britain,France and Germany cause he's busy in RL.Good luck to him and thanks for his contribution.

