[MoF] 2322 - Financial update

Day 2,322, 14:53 Published in Belgium Belgium by NBB-BNB

Greetings eBelgium,

21 days since the previous update I come to you with very sad news. Earlier today I got this request:

Since he is one of our newly elected congress members I immediately donated him all the money and we're now officially broke.

Moving on with the more boring part, an overview of our expenses and income during the last 20 days.

Tax income: 15.300 cc
Monetary market: 4.062 cc
Tournament: 850 gold (1000 gold)

ABC: 5.000 cc
MPP ePolan😛 10.000 cc

A special notice should be made for the donation of 10.000 cc by our beloved Dictator / CP to cover the cost of the eVenezuelan MPP.

Thanks to the (mixed results of the) monetary market we made a small profit of 4.362 cc so far, and we enjoyed the fruits from the tournament. Although according to tournament specifications we should have earned 850 gold, a total of 1.000 gold was found in the country account. We assume the additional 150 gold is an anonymous donation.

Our current balance is the following:
275,146 CC (+5.20😎
1486.25 gold (+1K gold)

Kind regards,