[MoC] Irish Gladiator Tournament II: Return of the Titans

Day 2,960, 17:01 Published in Ireland Ireland by The Irish Community

Dear mortals of Ireland,

Your emperor Nogin is holding the 2nd Irish Gladiator Tournament, in order to give you all a chance to prove yourselves against one another, and gain your worth, and maybe even freedom, by keeping her entertained of course.

The tournament will have 8 teams competing against one another, and each team will have 3 fighters, meaning 24 fighters in all. The tournament will be 3 rounds: A round of 8, round of 4, and round of 2.


The fighters can come from any divisions, and will be randomly assigned to a team by myself. (listing everyone in 3 main groups based on damage and going from there) and if one team needs adjusting then the emperor will do so.


If 24 fighters don't volunteer, then the emperor will draft the rest of the needed fighters.


We've just finished our renovations of the Dublin Colosseum. The city is very excited to be hosting the 2nd tournament as they haven't been able to find a good use for the arena since the first tournament. The stadium has been repainted and had 4 floors built on. This means 4 bottom floors of pubs and 1 top floor for the arena. It's lookin nice if I do say so myself.


After reviewing the leaderboards at the end of the round, lets suppose the following are the stats:

note: I kept the numbers small and simple to keep it easier to understand.

1st Uljanov 1,000,000 damage
2nd Frank Dobbs 500,000 damage
3rd Cat Boyd 450,000 damage


1st BeidnyMis 1,100,000 damage
2nd Anthony Colby 450,000 damage
3rd Shytach 300,000 damage

Uljanov and BeidnyMis have the most damage, therefore they face off. BeidnyMis wins with 100k to spare (or leftover), therefore he survives the battle and Uljanov is slain.

Next 2 in rank of damage are Frank Dobbs and Colby, which Frank beats Colby with 50k left over.

Next, Cat beats Shytach with an extra 150k leftover.

But the match isn't over just yet! We came here to see a bloodbath didn't we? Nobody wins until an entire team is slain. The strongest face off in the next wave of fighting as well. Round two would look like this:

1st Cat Boyd 150k
2nd Frank Dobbs 50k


1st BeidnyMis 100k

Cat would defeat BeidnyMis with 50k to spare, therefore Team A would advance. Uljanov would however not go on with his team as he was killed in battle. Therefore teams may go into a round outnumbered, players may have far more kills than others, and one man armies could wipe everyone out in the tournament.

Once again, the battle goes on until an entire team is defeated, and each round of battle pits the fighters with highest damage against one another.


Though your damage doesn't replenish in battle, it does restart the next round of the tournament to whatever your damage is for that week in the leaderboards. Therefore each round lasts one week, beginning and ending on Tuesday.


When a team has won in the final, the emperor may choose to reward all of the remaining fighters... or she may choose to force the fighters to turn on each other and fight until only one remains.


In the first Irish Gladiator Tournament, many of Irelands best known fighters faced off each week until only Paddy Obrien remained alive of his team. Paddy was known as the Devil Slayer after defeating the terrorizing Duke of Belgrade, known as the Devil Duke thanks to his ferocity. Paddy faced off against Cry of the Banshee, Patrick O'Leary, and Alexandria the Great. The drunken Paddy was defeated immediately by Banshee, and the emperor allowed the team the victory.


Each winner will get 20 gold, and i may try and get someone to develop an avatar as well.


If you'd like to enter in the tournament then just message me or let us know in the comments below. There is no fee for entry. The tournament will start on Tuesday, the 10th. Foreign fighters are allowed so long as the Emperor approves.


For most, the combat will make sense as time goes on. But for those who may still have difficulty, just do as much damage as you can.

The tournament starts on the 5th but the teams will be announced before then.

-Irish MoC Team