[MaartenW] Running for Spokesman of the LCC

Day 1,667, 11:38 Published in Belgium Netherlands by MaartenW

Hiya Maarten again o7
I'm running for Party President of the LCC, I was planning to write a full program but then I remembered my main job is to be a representative of the people of the LCC at any time so my personal opinions don't matter much.

Why I am suited for the job? Well first of all because I don't wear any suit; I've been leading a dozen of ministries in different countries in the past 1369 days, even been president for a term but I don't need any fancy suit I don't feel different then any other citizen. I'm just here to have some fun :>

Second, I'm really active ingame and on the IRC so if you want to ask/suggest me something you can just come talk to me in the national channel #ebrussels or the channel of the #Redbro alliance 😃

and I said I wouldn't post any personal opinions but ... oh well I just think a transparent government is really important and all people that try hard should get an equal chance to get into politics and the government.

So comrades that is it for now, if you have questions feel free to ask, have a nice day and ...

...a salute to you o7