[MaartenW] My RL Indonesian History {Part 1}

Day 1,473, 12:18 Published in Indonesia Netherlands by MaartenW

Hello all,
Some of you I might have told about the history of my family in Indonesia a bit I promised to explain some more some day. Some time ago my dad obtained a photo-book that belonged to my grandpa’s father.

Sorry for my bad English sometimes 😕

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It says:
In remembrance of my 2 year stay in Ned-oost-indie (Dutch East Indies) from 8 May 1928 until 12 June 1930.
Later was adde😛
I traveled again to Ned-oost-indie with the Submarine “K14” I stayed from 7 February 1934 until 1946.

The picture doesn’t belong there, it is my grandfathers father in the seascouts.

Well I start with some basic information before I’m going to show you more of the book. My grandfathers father was called Antoon F(redrikus) C(hristiaan also my second name) Westerdijk born year 1906 in Amsterdam. He joined the navy when he was 15 or 16 years old and was off to Indonesia at his 22th lifeyear (192😎 he was one of the early owners of a portable camera. The homebase of the dutch Navy for the Dutch East Indies was in Surabaya on Java, the first time when he went for 2 years he most likely lived here in barrack. He worked on a submarine that was used to transport navy officials to patrol / control all dutch outposts and to communicate between these outposts. I’ll show a few pictures in this first part. I might make a part 2 if you like it I’ll post more background story and more pictures then. The book is really thick.

Top: My travel to the Bromo on East-Java, 1928 25th of August

Middle: The “Bromopas” (road over a mountain) de weg naar “Zandzee” (sandsea) and to the cratermounth of the firethrowing mountain “the bromo”

Left Bottom Corner: Bathing and clothwashing in the Kali

Left Top Corner: *Missing Picture* A view in the “Preanger” Mid-Java

Right Bottom Corner: *Missing Picture* Mountain Terrain with a car-road Mid-Java

Right Top Corner: A view in a Kali

Middle: On top of the Bromo. A look into the craterlake and the crater. It’s forbidden to go down to the lake because the steam and smoke gasses that are comming out can be lethal.

Left Top Corner: A look on the Bromo and the Zandzee the crater is erupting steam. On the foreground a extinguished crater top.

Left Bottom Corner: The shelter on the slope were we spend the night.

Right Top Corner: A look on the jungle from the highest point of the Bromo.

Right Bottom Corner: Armed with a rifle and a machete we climbed the slope of the Bromo.

Top: My trip to the BoereBoedoer (Borobadur) , Mid-Java 18th of November 1928

Middle: A look into the hallway of the Boereboedoer.

Left Top Corner: A small praytemple in the forrest near the Boereboedoer.

Left Bottom Corner: A Javanese godstatue

Right Top Corner: The Boereboedoer is one of the oldest most beautiful Javanese art structures. All stones lie separated on eachother.

Richt Bottom Corner: A Javanese Goddess (the ones I know look different though)

Top: View on the Rice Sawa fields which are constructed like stairs for irrigation

Middle: A Javanese duke from Djocjakarta (jogjakarta?) in front of his palice.

Left Top Corner: Impressive view on my trip to the Boereboedoer. Mid-Java

Right Top Corner: *Picture Missing* The view of a rice peeling company.

Top: With the Volcanic research unit to “Lang Eiland” (long island) because of the creation of a firethrowing crater under the water surface near the once so feared Krakatouw near Batavia. The new crater was named Anak-krakatouw or Child of Krakatouw. December 1929.

Middle: The front of the Warning outpost with view on the Krakatouw.

Left Top Corner: The Navy Radio Post on Lang Eiland. A pyton snake that was 3.5 meters long was taken out so we could make the picture.

Left Bottom Corner: A view into the primitive basecamp made of bamboo but save against any unwanted animals.

Right Top Corner: “Spekkie” (literally translated as bacon) the dog posing with the just caught snake.

Right Bottom Corner: From this outpost the anak krakatouw would be monitored day and night. If there was any danger they would warn Batavia directly. On the background the Krakatouw.

Well that was it for now, if you liked it let me know I will make more parts 🙂