[MaartenW] Mini-interview with Romper about Belgium

Day 1,652, 10:41 Published in Belgium Netherlands by MaartenW

This is a kind of response to Mittekes article :3 this article is "the way it shouldn't be done" as it doesn't contain any insights of the current Belgian situation 😛

Well here is the mini-interview:

What is your relation to Real Life Belgium?
I was there only once to watch the football game Belgium - Croatia. We lost 2-1; it was Wesley Sonck that killed us.

How do you think about Real Life Belgium?
I don't know it well enough to make an opinion. You do make good chocolate and you have political issues that might end up in separation of country in two.

What is your relation to eBelgium? I remember you as PTO here just after UNL fell
My only congress medal is from eBelgium 😉 We were not pTO, we never took any money or made any law that would harm the country. Neutrality was the only thing that we wanted, not for Belgium to be proEDEN or anything like that. Back then retreat was still possible so smaller countries mattered more.

How did you think about eBelgium in the time you were there?
I tried to do my best to help Belgium while I was there. There were some great people that accepted us there and some that were bi**hing about us while they were playing in bigger countries, not helping Belgium at all. All in all, it were fun 3 months that I spent there.

How do you think about current eBelgium?
I have no contact with it any more, so I can't say.

Thanks a lot to Romper who usually doesn't give interviews (expect a mountain of chocolate on your doorstep soon) and thanks to all others for reading!

The song I got in my head today is there because of Sectus, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BSLPH9d-jsI enjoy! (Damn that girl is cute!)