[MaartenW] Back o/, Hungary , Mr. Poland Election

Day 1,636, 12:05 Published in Belgium Netherlands by MaartenW

Back o/
Once again I return to Belgium, the little whirlpool of Flanders and Walonia with Brussels in the center. The first time I came here was a few months before the Union of Nether (lower) Lands, at that time you could count Belgium citizens on one hand so I and a group called the BvB (Bond van Beschermers) were used to reinforce the Belgians against a (if I remember right) Spanish PTO. Unfortunately ground kept being lost to the Spanish and during the Congress election in which the PTO got over 50% of the seats was decided by all the active citizens of Belgium that BE and NL would merge. (I got nice memories of the UNL time but unfortunately most people from that time are gone 🙁 ) since that time Ive been involved in Anti TakeOvers against American, Romanian (Highsty \o/), Croatian (Romper loves Belgium ... true story) and I was a bit involved in fighting the latest Polish PTO.

The last time I took citizenship was to help fighting off the French, but when they were gone I moved away again because the politicians over here seemed to be caught in their own frustrated battle, I hope that is less this time, if any party wants me 😛 let me know.

So far for the little introduction about me in relation to Belgium. If you wanna know more about me you can just grab a beer with me in #ebrussels, I might talk a lot of bullshit though but at least it is honest bullshit 😁

I heard about the trainingwar on the wedding of MaryamQ-Cotarius (still sorry for the bouquet) like Mitteke I was a bit surprised that Hungary accepted the trainingswar as the last thing they could use was another damage-draining-war in these times of the big ONE operation to get to USA. A more surprising fact however was that Polish soldiers started to RW Southern Netherlands but this started to make sense soon as I realised that the bordering region of Belgium was planned to be occupied by Hungary who didn't have an NE yet.

The discovery was made that NL would form an excellent bridge to Russia in the north. So the once called trainingwar turned into a piece of the tactical puzzle of the ONE hq. Tactics, of course are an everyday thing in the game the thing that bothers me is that Hungary and Poland who were adressed as good friends by Mitteke earlier deceived her and with her all Belgians she represents. Really honorable of you Hungarians ...

Mister Poland Election

Some girls pushed me a bit to candidate myself, I did that and when I play I play to win 😎 so I better start campaigning a bit already
This is the article published by Khere, there is also a link to sign up as Jury, I have uploaded 5 photos of which 3 will be published in his next article, 2 are only visible to the Jury ... and one of these 2 is shirtless on special request...

To conclude this article I'm gonna post the link of a song dick_dastardly got in my head 😃 I hope it activates for you the same summer feeling as it does for me: