[Law Proposal] Donation to Department for Health

Day 2,759, 14:57 Published in Australia Australia by J Seemore
Dear congressmen,

I want to propose a donation law to one of our organizations. I will provide you a list of all Orgs we have. Gueneo was that kind to publish them in the forum where each of us can see who is administrating them.

The purpose of this law is mostly for exercising our voting system. That will show how many congressman are ready to express their rights when is necessary. It will also show the ability of our dictator to cooperate with Australian congress. As usual the proposal will be accepted if 2/3 of the congressmen vote with "Yes". There are no minimal requirements about the number of votes.

Do you agree to transfer 20 AUD from the country accounts to Department for Health?

Each organization should hold some currency and few items in the storage. That way we can easily charge the Org. Similar donation has been made before by XenthuS and Skraus Khan. In the current situation the Org can be charged without this donation, because it is not completely empty.

Please vote here!

When the article disappear from the media poll will be automatically canceled.

J Seemore