[Law Proposal] Changing WT from 3% to 2%

Day 2,766, 16:11 Published in Australia Australia by J Seemore
To all congress members

I want to propose law about changing Work Tax from 3% to 2%.


- WT affect all producers. All other taxes affect only those who sell their production. When changes have to be made then a proper explanation should be provided. I am agree to pay much more than 3% WT if it is necessary, but there was no debate on that. The vote has been proposed and voted seconds later when the game mechanics requires 24H. Why so rush?

- Changing taxes is under congress authority. In democracy CP can't propose such law. Without information about the reasons for rising WT I consider that act as a real dictatorship. My proposal could be voted down if it can't get 67%, but at least I will hear some opinions. 40 congress members for what?
Give your own opinion, give your vote!

- WT directly reflects to all companies and low quality factories. For those who have only Q7 weapon factory the change of WT is nothing. Same for all players who only work for employer. Paying 1,57 cc tax for working in aluminium mine is not fair, comparing to the weapon bonuses we have.

- With this vote we show that we care about democracy! If not - no point to apply for the congress on 25th.

Please vote and discuss here. When this article disappear from our media the poll will be automatically canceled.

Answering to questions and making a suggestion. It is referred to the cabinet.

There were tax changes in the past when I was MoF and XenthuS was our dictator. Those changes were approved by me as Governor and Xen proposed them in our senate thread, not once but twice. We had no voting system but at least I made an article and I posted Xen's proposal in the congress section in our forum. Let me remind you about the reasons for our past revolution.

Changing taxes for trial? Set some limits - don't replace the meaning of temporary with permanent. These changes are not serious. When you change import tax for weapons from 25% to 15% what results do you expect? No foreigners will place wps in our market if the import tax is higher than 7%. Mo matter if our import tax for wps are 10% or 99%.

Analyzes?I have spreadsheet with all incomes from taxes about Australian origin regions for the past 60 days - each event is written there and I can't make any analyzes. You must have a constant value to examine the variables. Just for example I will post the stats from last week:

Up and down during same tax value. Why?

If you want to calculate how much money we get from different taxes then at least you need to find how much currency we get from WT. For one week you can do it. Write an article to explain the purpose of future events and when the day starts set all taxes to the maximum - you will block our market. WT will be on 1%. Few days later you will increase it to 2%. All currency will come from that tax, not from the market. You will estimate the value of Work Tax. When you know the real numbers you will make your predictions easier, you will explain why it is necessary to rise the tax and how much extra incomes you expect to get.

There are simple methods to deduct and clean accidental incomes during the test.

You have MoF, you have JR who is the perfect guy for stats, numbers and graphs. Do what you must to do but please publish your analyzes till the end of the term.