[JDS] under new management

Day 2,178, 20:48 Published in Australia Australia by Joey Development Scheme

Hello People of this Great Nation!
The new government has taken over control over night, and has chosen a new JDS Director, as also Minister of Culture and JDS director, i will be busy, but do not fear, I have plenty of time to manage both areas.

Sirjames244, Minister of Culture and JDS Director, gives his first public speech

One advantage of managing both these positions, is that I can make both departments work closely together. To start off the term with a bang, I'm going to be launching a Nation wide census, and I hope all Australians take part.

The ADF is also currently in need of great help, as usual I am happy to help any ADF member in need of supplies, so a quick message to Sirjames244 and I will supply.

Standing By Thick and Thin

The new JDS system will be a lot different to the old method, but the old method will still exist in the JDS, all I am doing is adding new features.

Weekly Payments
The new JDS system will include Weekly payments, which will have a roster of players signed up, and they will receive food, weapons, and cash each week. Of course there activity will be watched. You at this time, you are probably wondering how activity will be watched. Well with the new system, the JDS is bringing in new Government Companies, which are owned by the rest of the JDS Directive board. through the companies, your activity will be watched by how many times you work a week, if you miss more than 2 days a percentage will be docked off your pay.

The Directors meet for the first time this term

Reward System
A friend on IRC asked me after my first article about the old reward system, and if they would remain in the system. I decided to keep the system, as it is a good way to get quick supplies out to new players, and will encourage them to play, but I must be honest the rewards will be smaller, as we have other new systems to support, and funding is currently low.

JDS of course is happy to accept donations from any who wish to donate! if you wish your name to be listed at the end of our articles for a week, please say so when donated!

Flatty puts one dollar in the jar

That's the end for today's article guys!!! tomorrow I will write up the National Census.
