[Hungary] Interesting things happens

Day 1,166, 04:58 Published in Russia Hungary by eMagyarEpicAlapitvany

In the midst of December a Russian government representative asked me for a grain region in Ukraine for Russia. My answer was : ‘Okay, we will give you one, but we need two grain regions, since the grain is the only really essential resources and we really need one just in case, because for us that would be really hard to get a grain if we would lose all of ours.’

She was pretty assertive about this deal, she didn’t want to accept that this is not the greedy of Hungarians, but safe-play.

[22:26] I want to give you a grain, but I don't know how yet.

I was thinking about a grain in Ukraine for Russia, I was thinking about a grain in Belarus for Russia.

We had a few more conversations with her and with another representative where I said the same as before : Hungary need a second grain region, but we will try to get a new one somewhere than give a grain in Ukraine for Russia.

Then an interesting thing happened. Russia at that time only bordered Ukraine in Donbas region, but a Russian congress member proposed a Natural Enemy law on Ukraine.
The interesting in this is not the idleness of the law - since after a successful NE Russia would only capable to conquer one region, Donbas, which region doesn’t have anything useful for Russia, since she has an iron region already-, but the fact that only three hours after the NE law Romania started several RWs in Ukraine.

Of course this could be a coincidence after all, but a bit later more fun happen.
[16:27] The plan was to negotiate with you about rw
[16:27] and after then fight ukraine
[16:27] O___o
[16:27] But start negiotiating after the NE proposed?😛

I heard that there are pretty good diplomats in Russia, but I don’t really get the Russian diplomacy’s point : you propose the Natural Enemy law vote hard on the ‘Yes’ and after ask for the regions. After this conversation a government representative asked me if we are defending Sloboda of not, because if we not Russia will send help to the other RWs. I don’t really see the coherence, if we were allies. The Sloboda RW was like 0/1-5 at this time so we answered that we won’t defend the region.

After the RWs we lost Taurida and Sloboda, and Russia go for Ukraine. On 6th January I got elected as the President of Hungary, and after the technical issues I went to sign the kicked off MPPs for Hungary. I signed one with UK, I signed one with Indonesia and I asked Russia :

[2011.01.06. 13:05:44] Armin Thompson: I would like to sign an MPP with you.
[2011.01.06. 13:05:46] Armin Thompson: 🙂
[2011.01.06. 13:08:20] RuCP: i have no objection but lets wait untill evening - i need some tiime to orient in the environment 😉

This was a bit weird since the Russian government said that they want to go for Romania, but I was okay with this.
[16:09] and to come to romania's borders

yep, i am here , but we have some problems with MPPs. (blush) Is Xmas in Russian and all Cabinet (especialy MoFA and Treasury man) missing, and i stil have no keys to country reserves. So for now i cant answer you 😢 i am terrably sorry for this situation , but will contact you asap
[2011.01.07. 13:57:05] Armin Thompson: Errrm.
[2011.01.07. 13:57:06] Armin Thompson: To GOLD 100.00 one hour ago
[2011.01.07. 13:57:07] Armin Thompson: O.o
[2011.01.07. 13:57:24] Armin Thompson: 1 hour ago somebody had.
[2011.01.07. 14:02:22] Cheshire Hatter: this is gold kept from previous president for MPP with UK - them must propouse every moment ...so i cant use it for another MPP 😢
[2011.01.07. 14:03:42] Armin Thompson: It is okay for me, I just don't know why he can't donate another 100.
[2011.01.07. 14:04:00] RuCP: another?
[2011.01.07. 14:04:03] RuCP: hm
[2011.01.07. 14:04:07] RuCP: sec 😉
[2011.01.07. 14:04:26] Armin Thompson: And can you propose the MPP?
I have one proposed. ;_;
[2011.01.07. 14:07:17] RuCP: i just cant give you an answer right now - i must talk with opur MoFA. As i say i am newbie in this matter and didnt know any of previuor affires of our MoFA . As soon as i have full picture i will contact you and give you an answer. and again i am very sorry for this confusion 😢

Only one hour before this conversation the Russian Government could donate gold to the treasury, in this time they can’t and the president of Russia gave me a dilatory answer for the MPP.

I thought that Russia and Hungary is natural allies, who don’t have to ‘ask the conditions about an MPP’. It seems I was wrong.

I thought that Russia is an enemy of Romania, the country which conquered her regions two times. It seems I was wrong.

In large.

07[01:11] I heard that Romania will conquer a few regions.
07[01:11] 🙂
01[01:13] it was a kind of "agreement"
01[01:14] and our cp showed it to poland

So technically after cooperating with Romania two times, the Russian government asked for the MPP again, and this time I answered : No. They said that they are cooperating with Romania because the have their own interest and Russia needs a grain, what Hungary could give her anyway.

In this month we saw Russians hitting on the rebel side of a Hungarian RW.
In this month the half of the Russian army were hitting for Bulgaria, against Macedonia the little brother of Serbia.
In this month Russia rejected the Hungarian MPP

It seems I was wrong in a several things. I thought that Romania can’t be a friend of Russia, the country what Romania conquered two times.
Both occasions Russia was freed by Hungarian help. Our country was erased, but we fought in Volga and CBE to help Russian people.
I was the one who supplied the Hungarian army for Central Black Earth, and I was the one who commanded them.
I’m not against the Russian people, but against a government what is cooperating a country what conquered Russia a few times.

former President of Hungary.