+++HOT SHIT+++ VonKleist in interview and pictures of a real Erepgirl

Day 833, 08:39 Published in Hungary Germany by ePlayboy

Welcome folks to an other edition of the ePlayboy. Your only magazine for boobies and.... boobies.

First of all I will present you an Interview with the eGerman player: Von Kleist

Gender: male
Most love movie genre: Thriller
soccer or rugby: soccer
HipHop or Rock: Rock
Blonde or dark: Blonde
Favourite Beer: Becks
Favourite Car: S8
Favourite Women: Jolene Blalock
You would like to see some boobie pictures of: Jolene Blalock
ePoland is..: shit
Phoenix is..: questionable
Eden is..: bullshit
The ePlayboy is..: TITTEN!!!11111

I know you love this short answeder interviews!
And why dou you like? Because it gives us more time and space for the real important thing. Women with boobies.

But oh noes! No monstrous boobies today, but an experiment.
I present you pictures of a girl that plays Erep. If she wants to she will say "Hello It's me on these pictures" at the comments.
I just ask you for one thing: Be fair, be polite. I think that we should honor her with applaus..

Klick here for the Gallery

Next week in ePlayboy: Erotic arts

Stay tuned!