[Garmr] The sadness will last forever..

Day 1,690, 08:00 Published in Netherlands Poland by Garmr

On my time in eRepublik - Dedicated to Iron & Wine

So here I am. Standing on the balcony of my virtual mansion, looking out over the world. Reflecting on things.
No rest is worth anything except the rest that is earned, and I'd like to think I finally earned mine.

When I started on this game, I knew I was a winner. I knew I was destined for great things. People say that kind of thinking is totally immodest. I agree. Modesty is not a word that applies to me in any way. I hope it never will. In the beginning, it was great fun. Outmaneuvering opponents in debates, setting people up for certain expected reactions, and remaining undefeated in every election in which I participated. After the second presidential term in August '10, I thought of taking things slow. Writing articles to educate the masses. Things didn't go as planned, and the PTO of Switzerland kept me active. And active I've been since. Things like that take their toll in the end. There is no more joy, and you begin to understand how the world reacts to all possibilities.

They say one becomes an expert in their respective field after 10,000 hours of practice. I'm not quite there yet, but certainly around half way after 1036 days played. I've always played according to a certain number of 'rules', and I'd like to pass those on so you youngsters out there can always think 'What would Garmr do?' when faced with a difficult decision.

1. Always support your friends
You're nothing without friends. In public, always stand by them. Even if you disagree, you defend their statement. I've been in plenty of situations where I did not agree with a statement, but still I defended them. It builds a bond beyond party membership.
2. Make the right decision, or none at all
In eRepublik there are only two solutions to every problem, the right one and the wrong one. There is extremely little room for nuance in problem-solving. Read up on everything to lay a solid foundation of knowledge to defend your opinion. If you think of a unique idea, it's almost certainly a bad idea.
3. Pick your battles
Every general avoids the battle he knows he can not win. Be the strongest advocate of a decision if you know it is the right one and that it will go through. Associate yourself with winning and build a name for yourself before you attempt to go against the majority.

I came here to change the world. Our world. And I like to think I did. As you did mine. Every single one of you. Forever. And I thank you for it.

This was Garmr. Your friend. Time to jump down.