[Garmr] Introductory Speech

Day 2,198, 10:13 Published in Netherlands Poland by Garmr

Dear fellow citizens of eNetherlands,

As some of you already might have heard, I intend to be your next president.
Because of my 15 month sabbatical, I suspect quite a few citizens do not know me that well, so my first article will be a general introduction of myself.

Personal information:
Student of philosophy
Madly in love
Main hobby:
This guy actually is a police officer in the US
Favorite movie:
True Romance
Favorite artist:
I urge you to watch the vid, absolutely worth it

eRepublik experience:
Cabinet posts
President terms: 5
2x '10, 2x '11, 1x '12
Finance terms: 9
All terms as finance related minister were during V1 and Rising
Military terms: ~25
Minister of Defense in NL, CH and US

Aside from the core jobs, I've also worked multiple terms as minister of foreign affairs and recruitment and coaching.

Strength of character:
Defeating cheaters
Under cabinet AndreasIsaksson IV, I manually found a little over 150 Croatian PTO bot accounts and had them banned, with which I was finished at 6am, Christmas Night, barely in time for the congress elections.

Some of you may not realize it, but I am the most cooperative person in this country.
I've worked with and against ThomasRed
I've worked with and against NoTie112
I've worked with and against ElGorro
I've worked with and against M. de Ruyter / van Spijck
I've worked with and against Hans Rienveld
I've worked with and against Fhaemita / The Valeyard
I've worked with and against Shakerr
And the list goes on. Basically, if you've only ever seen me as your enemy, you just haven't played erep long enough. I'll side with anyone if I believe it will bring us closer to the common benefit for our nation.

That is all I have to share with you today. Expect my actual program within a few days.

Yours swolely,