[Garmr] Important, a lot of things

Day 1,126, 09:14 Published in Netherlands Poland by Garmr

Dear fellow citizens,

I decided to write this article through my own newspaper, as it contains statements from my position as MoFA as well as ATO commander, I&W PP and my own opinion.

1. Belgium
Lately, the situation with our southern neighbors has spiraled out of control. There have been talks of war, which caused both countries to consider serious defensive and offensive actions. This situation has cooled down at the moment, after some good talks with our Belgian friends. It started out as good fun, but that fun is over. I would like to ask everyone to stop throwing oil on this nearly burned out fire.

2. PTO
Yes, we are currently under a threat of being occupied by a force of Croatian and Romanian players, who are heavy reliant on using multi-accounts (cheating) to gain a majority of votes in our country. Last week, during the elections of party presidents, they took over 3 out of 5 major political parties, GLD, LSD and DemNL.
This now enables them to put forward candidates for presidency, and ensure safety to their congress candidates because they cannot be blocked anymore. Next congress elections on the 25th of December, is one of the most important days about the survival of our country, and everyone is able to help. I hereby call on every real Dutchman to join the ATO group on the forum (You can also send a message to antiko if you have no forum account).

A solution from my side is to set aside all partisanship, and unite under the the banner of 'Verenigd Nederland' (In which I will rename I&W for the time we are all together) and form a bastion of last resort against the Croats, to unite and show to all citizens which candidates are safe to vote.
This idea just sprung to my mind, so I do not know how other parties will respond to this, I will approach them today and this article will be updated when I receive a response.

In high regard,
eNL Jack of all trades

Om al mooi in de kerststemming te komen;

Het was eerste kerstdag 2010, er werd luidruchtig gecheat,
Maar dat deed me niet zoveel.
Ik dacht aan eNL, mijn eigen kleine eNL,
Wie zou er stemmen, geen stem ging meer naar mij
Toen na mijn stem de winst naar ons zou komen
Sprak de Kroaat uiterst grappig: "kijk jongen daar zijn de multi's dan"
Ik zie de stemmen nog omhoog gaan en toen hadden we verloren
Voor het eerst zag ik de Kroaat als een vreselijke man

Ik ben gillend en stampend van irc gegaan
Heb eerst een uur liggen huilen op het forum
Nog een keer scheldend in de shoutbox gestaan
En geschreeuwd "eNL was van mij"
Ik heb heel lang op de verkiezingspagina gestaan
Maar mijn stem stond er maar verlaten bij

Het was tweede kerstdag 2010, de admin weet dat nog zo goed
Alle Kroaten waren weg
En ik zei dat hij niet in eNL mocht komen
En als hij snel offline ging
Dat ik dan wat gold bij kocht