[Garmr] A Return to Democracy

Day 2,201, 06:34 Published in Netherlands Poland by Garmr

Dear fellow citizens,

As promised, an article detailing my goals for the upcoming month. In general, I intend to restore real democracy in eNetherlands. This is not a stab at anyone, I am as much responsible as the next person -probably even more-, and what I perceive to be faulty has been accepted as the norm for many years.

The president is not the right office to decide on long-term projects and issues that alter the state of our nation. The executive branch is to manage daily operations related to national in-game issues. However, we have always accepted him as absolute boss who could mostly do as he saw fit for that month, including major changes to departments and creating long-term plans where congress just has a yes/no vote about afterwards.

I do not assume to be infallible in my judgment, and therefore am of the opinion that to come to a correct decision, one that would bring forth the highest amount of common good, we must extensively and elaborately discuss these issues. Wars and treaties should not be decided by the executive, he should simply lay the possibilities before congress, with arguments for both sides, and the reason why he would prefer one over the other. That is what a real representative of his people is supposed to do. When we hold the words of one for truth without discussion, it becomes a dead dogma, and not a living truth.

I will strive to resolve these issues by reshaping the purpose of the cabinet, giving them a clear work description to ensure stability over the months. This will be shared in congress, for all to see, critique and question. The cabinet knows exactly what to do, and the congress will know exactly what to control. A wise man once sai😛 "If you can quote the rules, then you can obey them".

It is likely that I will also propose a revision of the completely new law book, ensuring clearer laws, and decreasing bureaucracy. There is no need to always adhere to all these rules, the motives and spirit of an act or idea is what should count, and not if someone -I certainly take blame in this- can quote a piece of law to spite their political opponent. With the higher focus on congress in regards to their legislative power, a new book of law will be needed to create a better environment for them to exercise this power. Another wise man once sai😛 "No more half measures".

In addition to the general overhaul of these two institutions, I also intend to put forth some proposals with less drastic impact.

The first will be to create a military council. It is ineffective for a minister of defense, being a monthly position, to be involved with the in-game structure of our military assets. Ideally, I would like to group a representative of each MU together in this council. It's goal is general and mutual improvement of all our military assets and a clear, equal, reward system for all citizens. A potential secondary goal of this council could be a function similar to the eUS National Security Council, where military experts come together to discuss military issues of a higher level.

The second would be to invite young players for an elaborate insight behind the scenes. This does not necessarily have to be ratified by congress, but as mentioned before, two heads are better than one. The idea is to invite active players born in 2013 from several parties, put forth by their PP's, to be added to the cabinet without function, and who will be explained how global politics and the executive branch function.

Well, gentlemen and gentle women, old sports, I most sincerely hope you have understood my goals, and that you will join me in this process of establishing true democracy in the Netherlands. I also urge you to share your doubts and comments regarding these goals in the comments below, and I will address these swiftly.

Yours swolely,